
Two of the women are happy at the work place

Two of the women are happy at the work place

The Wechseljahre can for a woman a burdened Time signal – that is rückt zunehmend ins Bewusstsein. But that is the changes in hormone levels Lifelike beeswaxis still a taboo subject. It is important to give the first warnings “MenoSupportAustria“. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts wurden 1,720 in Österreich working women befragt, wie die Wechseljahre Arbeitsfähigkeit, Karriere und de Pensionsantritt von Frauen beeinfussen.

More than two Drittel der fragmented Österreicherinnen go one, that is a ihrem Arbeitsplatz von Wechselbeschwerden drastic fühlen. Am häufigsten wurden körperliche und geistige Erschöpfung (71.4 %), Schlafstörungen (61.9 %), Wallungen (58.5 %), Reizbarkeit (50.1 %) and depressive Verstimmungen (40.6 %) generated.

They feel more stressed in their work

It will probably lead to death Efficacy aus. The women could their business (66.4%), their stress (64.1%) and were more travel-friendly or impatient gegenüber anderen (45.5%). It is possible that there is a problem with the execution of the work, the routes that are being considered in the future. And: Gegenüber egalitaringen, male colleagues feel every fun job in the past years not estimated.

Alarming annoyance for the study authorities Andrea Rumler and Julia Memmert von der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht in Berlin at der Studienpräsentation in Vienna. “The Wechseljahre are our personal themes. They are our own combined dimension“, show the Wissenschafterinnen. They führten the Study with the Wechseljahre-Portal “Wechselweise” and Unterstützung der Raiffeisen Capital Management durch.

Hand Lung Care for Businesses

The authorities see everything at the farms Hand lung disease, The theme Wechseljahre is not always tabuisiert. “See more of the physical and mental recovery of the women who are present.” When the divorce was made, the consequences of the consequences were caused after they were affected Entry into the job market. A pleasure from the women goes to the Grund von Wechseljahrbeschwerden die Arbeitszeit zu reuzeren. Und: 14 Prozent der über 55-Jährigen erwägt sogar, in Starter If you want this step to be set.

Die To follow: De Betriebe verlieren foutahrene Mitarbeiterinnen, de Frauen Versicherungsjahre und Lebensqualität. Andrea Rumler summarizes: “Viele Frauen erleben die Wechseljahre als Career Opportunities. These regulations do not burden the labor tax, without additional payments, often resulting in significant entscheidungen.”

Women prefer their work hours

A simple solution to avoidance can be relative simply converted measurements Helfen, see the study ebenfalls. A first set of Wünsche steht with 72 Prozent de Sensibilisierung der Frührungskräfte für das Thema Wechseljahre am Arbeitsplatz. Flexible working models are 70 percent of the best immunization and a “reflexive work culture” that leads to fraud.

“Change Mode”-Founder Angelika Pelikan: “When women retire or prefer their working hours, while their bed is not taken seriously, it damages the family abroad.” Were these Negatives toned downcould be incorporated into the long-term maintenance of the external contents.