
UPDATE ++ Tragödie an der Mosel: Nach Hotel-Einsturz: Überlebende paints the brightest Stunden ihres Lebens

UPDATE ++ Tragödie an der Mosel: Nach Hotel-Einsturz: Überlebende paints the brightest Stunden ihres Lebens

  • The Einsturz eines Hotels in Kröv with two totes for a single Monat that the Bundesweit Schlagzeilen gemacht. Neither ski the Ermittlungen zur Ursache.
  • Who is overloaded?

UPDATE 5/ Hotel eingestürzt: Hotel management under the Opfern – Ursachenforschung!

Kröv/Rheinau (dpa) – After the Hotel-Einsturz in Kröv, Erika was in a state of silence before being retired. Undamaged. Jetzt, for a month, a house in the Baden-Württembergische Rheinau says: “Mir geht es nach wie vor wirklich sehr, sehr gut.” When my queen is queen, the war will happen no more. “When you have an idea, everything is gone.”

After installation is complete, it will be replaced. | Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

Erika Sorm is one of the most beautiful adventures of the Unglücks, on August 6, little Kröv was shot on the Moselle. Spätabends were a complete stockwork of the Hotels in jijammengebrochen. Two people starb: a 64-year-old woman and another 59-year-old hotel worker. Those Verschütteten were more than Stunden in the Trümmern gefangen.

In the 24-fold rescue operation, 250 Einsatzkräfte-dabei had been performed. “You have offered a wonderful gift,” says the thank-you. If you have done it, been born and done everything, it is all good. It is war stockdunkel. “When it is light and then we know that we were on the right path.”

The Abrissarbeiten will continue. | Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

You can find a schräg verkanteten Tür in a situated Hohlraum with the Niederländerin Edi Hoefnagel-Visser and the Zweijährigem Sohn. «I have won a little. I have had a part of the Glauben-festivities, said the 71-year-old age. It is a good idea. The Niederländerin has received a good impression, the little Junge has slept. Both can not be solved.

Frage nach der Unglücksursache

It is not clear who the Einsturz comb is. A von der Staatsanwaltschaft Trier beauftragter Sachverständiger soll die Ursache herausfinden. After the Schätzungen had started for Ort nor until the end of September, said the Leading Oberstaatsanwalt Peter Fritzen in Trier. When the Gutachen are ferty, a man can no longer be healthy. It has not gone up to the complexity of the damage claims.

Under the guidance of the Sachverständigen you go to the Abrissarbeiten. The first phase of the largest part of the use is completely finished, it is a police precher. If the work is carried out, the man cannot be excluded.

The debts, the debt of the Ursache and the Frage a etwaigen Fremdvervuurens and dem Unglück serve sollten, dauerten and, said Fritzen. Die Vernehmungen von Zeugen have not yet been abgeschlossen. Im Rahmen der Ermittlungen würden auch all Hotelgäste and the Hotelbetreiberin heard.

It is unclear how the construction will continue, the short for one of the stattfanden, with the unlucky in Zusammenhang stehen. Before the einsturz des gebäudes a rissbildung in the hotel incurred, the devices were one-off.

Die Trauer in Kröv ist gross. | Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

We will do a number of things

Erika Sorm has checked in a lucky day with two friends for a short-term holiday at the hotel in Kröv. Go to the hotel and look at the information you have received: “Take the most important one with you. We are leaving,” Sorm says. The woman has not had any major problems, she has had a lot of problems. So, when they have the dog, they are both busy and are in the Flur. “At the moment it is a sister together.”

First of all, I would like to think about it. Dann didn’t notice the woman and child. “Wir thought first, es wäre ein Erdbeben”, erzählt si. Dann heard a stimme: “I have a dog here.” When the war with the Mann der Niederländerin is over, the war will be lost.

Niederländer nor in Krankenhaus

“It’s a matter of a little better,” says Edi Hoefnagel-Visser about his Mann. His kidneys, the ones that are severely damaged, I have to go back. There are still no strong nerve injuries that do not twitch and are not lukewarm. A left arm no longer functions. “It is bad, my man with so many injuries to see,” he said. Once you know: “We believe that our God is better again.” It can happen.

Your husband is still in the hospital in the Dutch city of Groningen. A hearty memory that she says is no more than 23 years old. It is one of the best times of my life. “We would like to go back.” One day, if your husband wants to know more. There are a number of things you need to do and you will have a grateful appreciation for your life.

Erika Sorm feels Hoefnagel-Visser is connected. Get in touch with the contact person. «We will be a thing that does not happen. Go out in Dunkeln now and enjoy.»

Attention book lost

Burdensome thoughts that are not as good as the einsturz zurückdenkt. If you now see a Andachtsbuch with Bible verses, it is so that Mother in the Trummern zurückgelassen habe has. “Ich hadte es die igezeit auf der Brust gehabt und es has gegeben mir veel Kraft”, said the Protestantin Sorm. If you do not find the recoil, you will find yourself robbed – you will have fallen in no time.

If both friends, who were in the stock, are immediately retrenched to the Einsturz über den Balkon. The short-term holiday on the Mosel is on the Ereignis fortgesetzt. In October, one of the two friends will have a few days on the kröv: “We want to thank you personally,” she said.