
Warner Music Central Europe: Vanessa Mai separates from Warner Music as new Label Home

Warner Music Central Europe: Vanessa Mai separates from Warner Music as new Label Home

Vanessa Mai has joined the Partnership: “I am super happy, with Warner Music a new Kapitel in my musical journey to start. Because my war is separated, a label is found, my vision is strengthened and the mirror of the Raum money, my creative possibilities and my new search. With the team of Warner Music the partner has earned money, so that this path can be found. “

Doreen Schimk and Fabian Drebes, co-presidents at Warner Music Central Europe, say: Vanessa Mai is one of the most experienced German artists and has had a unique cultural impact on a genre and a whole generation. If the fans are inspired, they will take new paths. If you are around for a while, you see Schritt in his Karriere with Warner Music and his Vertrauen Schenkt.”

Mathias Schorer, Head of A&R Pop at Warner Music Central Europe, says: “Vanessa Mai brought a lonely combination of talent and credit. With our friends, Vanessa Mai will indulge herself at Warner Music and give a musical performance to her work.”

There is a musical career that Vanessa Mai also makes as a performer, influencer and advertising icon. How the film appears in the ARD film “Nur mit dir zusammen” in the year 2020, appears in the autobiography “I Do It Mai Way” in the year 2022, which is on the SPIEGEL bestseller list. From 2020 to 2023 Vanessa Mai moderated the following SWR conversations “On Mai Way”. With 1.2 million followers on Instagram and 1.6 million followers on TikTok, it is one of the most popular people on German social media.

After the super-wältigenden Erfolgen ihrer Open-Air-konzerte that summer during Vanessa May in November 2024, we will go on a big “Zuhause bei dir”-Tour, both of them in new German cities, through Berlin, Frankfurt and Hannover.