
Since Gurken gesund?: Diese Vorteile hat die Superfrucht

Since Gurken gesund?: Diese Vorteile hat die Superfrucht

A study from the year 2022 said that the substance of the Gurke is beitragen, cramps in the Vervoungsorganen and Bronchi z lindern. Research on the antioxidants in the risk of revaluation and obtaining credit.

Gourds and heart health

Gurken can have a positive influence on the Herz-Kreislauf system. Flavonoids, die in Gurken since, besitzen entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften and könnten somit the Risks for Herzerkrankungen senken.

An Iranian study from the year 2016 said that the core extraction in people with high blood pressure values ​​for revaluation analyses can be: in persons, who make a haircut for a long time with 500 milligrams of extraction, the best biomarkers will be lich, which is Risk For heart-circulation illnesses, triglycerides and cholesterol are used. (Also read: Forgetting the BMI – why you should consider these when taking the test)

With Gurken Diabetes suffer?

Also for people with diabetes, Gurken can be of benefit. It is worth saying that Gurken can do that, the blood sugar level is regular. If the power is about an interesting life, diabetes can be a risk for the best diabetes patients who have a nervous disease.

A study from the year 2016 and its administration has begun to extract the risks for the best life in diabetes patients. A study from the year 2020 ergab will show many spreading results in protection for damage to the liver and the tree trunk, which were exposed during the Diabetes.

Gurken gegen chronic Entzündungen

Entzündungen im Körper gilten as an Ursache for many chronic diseases. Daher is not verwunderlich, it may be that the properties of great interests are increased. A Mexican Team stated in 2018 in a study party, which was one of the most important factors that could contribute to the development of stress and oxidative stress, also caused by aggressive Sauerstoffverbindungen, in better human health they would reduce. (Also interesting: Getting fit after training break: 3 Tips for Sportwissenschaftler, who is best at it)

If another investigation into Gurken from Great Britain in the year 2020 is a connection in Gurken, an important role is played, reducing losses in the body.

Mann schneidet Gurken TikTokHype Logan Moffitt

Study among other young people, the Cucurbitacin in Gurken das Wachstum von Krebszellen hemmen könnten.

Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

Gurken en möglicher Schutz for Krebs

If you are looking for a fragment from a part of the enterprise, you can increase the creditworthiness of credits. Study among other young people, the Cucurbitacin in Gurken das Wachstum von Krebszellen hemmen könnten. If you act as a bitter substance, you die in Gurken in one of the previous years.