
Starnberger Perchalla is a problem for entronization

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A fröhliche Truppe: The Minigarde at Training.
A fröhliche Truppe: The Minigarde at Training. © Perchalla Starnberg

The trainings of the Starnberger Faschingsgesellschaft are launched at the Hochtouren and Minigarde, Jugendgarde, Prinzengarde, where One Million Dollar Girls can focus on.

Starnberg – The Starnberger Faschingsgesellschaft Perchalla probt für Intronization am November 16. It is possible that a child prince couple is a prince couple for the upcoming fasching season.

Starnberger Perchalla is a problem for entronization

The further planning for the future intronization, which will take place on Saturday, November 16, in the “secret living room” of Perchalla, in the Schlossberghalle in Starnberg, is being finalized and has since been completed. Coming Saison is such that children’s balls are geben, the nachfrage sehr hoch war and all other faschingsveranstaltungen were planted.

The One Million Dollar Girls: The Ladies Can Also Create New Choreography.
The One Million Dollar Girls: The Ladies Can Also Create a New Choreography. © Perchalla Starnberg

Faschingsgesellschaft Perchalla tritt at Landesgartenschau in Kirchheim auf

„We have not been able to wait for the season to come alive since, without having to wait for the holidays, we did not dare to attend a summer event with our summer program for the season 2023/2024, who would like to be present at the State Garden Show in Kirchheim in order to attend the Food Festival of the Hotel Vier Jahres Zeiten in Starnberg“, erklärt Perchalla-Preissesprecherin Melanie Riedl.

Flohmarkt and Kinderbasar in Starnberg

Am Sonntag, September 22, find the last Flohmarkt der Faschingsgesellschaft at SC Percha statt. Due to larger expenses of the Association, there is still a children’s day on Samstag, October 19, in the Mehrzweckhalle in Percha stattfindet.

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