
FF im Einsatz – Brand in Wiener Neustädter Abfall-Entsorgung rasch gelöscht


Einsatz in der Neunkirchnerstraße

Press team of FF Wiener Neustadt

BIf you are in Neunkirchenstraße, this is stored in a Halle or in the Kunststofballen.

The automatic fire alarm of the external alarm in the central alarm. If a fault occurs, the brand works through the radio and the alarm center. The installed sprinkler system provides fire protection at the Ausbruchsstelle.

The brand can rely on the Atemschutztrupps der Feuerwehr in mounted plastic balls in the local halls. After a C-Rohrs left the brand, this was done. With the largest intake of the FF Wr. Neustadt could become the Halle freely open and the Ehrenamtlichen could become more accessible.

Insgesamt standings 40 Fire Fighters of the FF Wr. Neustadt für knapp zwei Stunden im Einsatz.
“The alarm and the incident of the fire brigade are essential in solving the burns. Thanks to the involved comrades and comrades with that fire that brings Brand to a control and prevents greater damage”, says Fire Director Christian Pfeiffer.