
Video: At 40, a South Korean Cheerleader Competition is Up and Down in Spielfeld

Video: At 40, a South Korean Cheerleader Competition is Up and Down in Spielfeld

Bae Chui Hyun. Instagram @baeja_07Bae Chui Hyun. Instagram @baeja_07Bae Chui Hyun. Instagram @baeja_07

I am a professional baseball player in South Korea, where the action and play of the cheerleading teams have become one of the main attractions of the game.

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Among those teams, a cheerleader can put the internet user’s brand name at ease: Bae Chui-hyun40 years old, gilded as a service of the Cheerleader of the Country.

Bae Chui-hyun, who played for the professional baseball team “SSG Landers”, got from his father a big baseball fan, who was inspired, and his childhood made the stadium so much fun. A challenge for the dance talent in high school is that they use the Cheerleading Club.

Später schloss Bae ihr Studium in Modern Dance an der Universität ab und zeigte ihre Fähigkeiten sowohl in Choreography as well as in Improvisation. Even at 40 years old, he said he had more energy and talent on the playing field.

If you are training with Bae Chui-hyun of Bodybuilding, you can find the best in Wettkämpfen. With a height of 1.76 m and the definition of Muskel who has used his silhouette on the Internet, he starts to watch his career in his Cheerleader uniform.

Bae Chui Hyun. Instagram @baeja_07Bae Chui Hyun. Instagram @baeja_07

20 years ago, Bae Chui-hyun’s career as a cheerleader began in the year 2003 at SSG Landers. Neben Baseball war is also a cheerleading competition for basketball, volleyball and football games, and that is a short experience.

In those years, Bae officially turned 40. Birthday and a symbol of involvement and performance in South Korean sports.

Quelle: Chinese times. Photos and video: Instagram @baeja_07. Dieser Inhalt wurde mit Hilfe von KI erstellt and vom Redaktionsteam überprüft.