
Suizid im Alter: Men were affected

Suizid im Alter: Men were affected

„My father will not have more life.“ This and the other aspects are part of the work that has to be done and that Telephone exchange regularly.

Often it is not the case that the affected people themselves are affected, but you report: Too big are Shame, fear and skepticism. I think it is a family member, that Hilfe in the world with his father and mother does such things.

The numbers are busy with: The Suizidrisiko steeps in Alter erheblich one and is at über 85-Jährigen funmal so hoch wie in der Durchschnittsbevölkerung. When men de Steigerung sogar das Achtfache: “If the man thinks it is so, Hilfe anzunehmen and über problems zu reason.

Before you do it over time Traditional Roles and the Image of the “Strong Mannes” still very much entrenched, says Thomas Kapitany, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Fear of wonder

Die Gründe, warum im Alter die Zahl der Suizide steigen, sind veldfältig: Often it is a Gefühl der Isolation and unitythe Verlust der Bedeutung im sozialen Gefügethat Influences on autonomy if you are afraid of Schmerzen and Leid, as emotional as a körperlich.

The maßnahmen der suizidprävention grifen: Bis auf een Ausreißer im Year 2021, de Fachleute auf de Pandemie zurückführen, ist de Zahl der Suizide standdig am Sinken.

More helpful suizid

New is the help of suicide aid workers, regulated in Austria in the Death Benefit Act from 2022. In 2023, 98 assisted suicides, captains will be given another chance, warning about the same time frame for divorces: “The divorce process must be followed. It is not even the case that depressions influence the divorce.”

Principle of the expert an idea of ​​the community, when it was an Altern, Tod and Sterben: “Menschen dürfen keine Sorge haben, others zur Last zu Fallen.”

Suizid im Alter: Men were affected

Jene Fall, while a few of the female animals or the male is the woman and then is self-conscious, a man can now give a reusable filter: “I may have spoken to a snozzy person. So something is not announced in advance”, says Silvia Breitwieser, Leader of the Telefonseelsorge OÖ.

People, the Suizidgedanken have, wollen meist not sterben, but not so weiterleben wie bisher, erklärt Barbara Lanzerstorfer-Holzner, ebenfalls von der Telefonseelsorge OÖ.

Was hilft? “So banal it sounds: Reason, take care, take care of yourself.”

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