
Winziger Asteroid verglüht – Frühwarnsysteme weiterhin lückenhaft

Winziger Asteroid verglüht – Frühwarnsysteme weiterhin lückenhaft

Asteroid, Schweif, Comets, Bedrohung, Erde
Glühender Asteroid and Schweif have fallen and end up in the Security of the Earth.
Kathy Schrey

Kathy Schrey 6 minutes

Asteroids are an all-rounder for the Erde, in most cases damaging it before it reaches the Erdboden.

The unveiling of the winning Asteroids 2024 RW1, on September 4, 2024 in the Philippines in a spectacular Fireball Verglühte, verdeutlicht the Fortschritte in the Entdeckung and overwachung-solcher erdnaher Object.

This voyage of discovery is accompanied by challenges and risks, the smaller asteroids are becoming increasingly larger, making the global amplification a planetary digestion system.

The Fall of the Asteroids 2024 RW1

There Asteroid 2024 RW1 war with a persevering person of now one meter who is small and activates the early discovery.

The first thing we discovered when we entered the Erdatmosphäre world was the researcher Jacqueline Fazekas at Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona.

If the Asteroid undergoes a war in that fall and brightens in the atmosphere, the lightning says, it is so that small Asteroids are entitled to identification.

When the first time a new planet was identified, an asteroid was discovered by humans nearby, the European Weltraumorganisatie (ESA).

These seltenen frühwarnungen characterize the Notnauwekeit, Technology zur frühzeiigen Rekennung weiter zu verbesern, insondere angesichts of the Tatsache, that could be solved Objects that there are unintegrated passions.

Planetare Verteidigungssysteme

The unveiling of 2024 RW1 and the following developments by the various Weltrauma agencies, which support NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, are a number of global developments for the Asteroid-impacted Bedroungen.

Welfare agencies are busy devising strategies to develop, there is a powerful catastrophic solution for the schützen.

The planet Defense has made great strides in recent years.

A Meilenstein in the war that the NASA mission “DART” (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) went through in January 2022. This mission was carried out by the mission, Asteroids was carried out by the collissions.

The asteroid Dimorphos, on the DART probe, serves as a test object. The probe hit the asteroids with a wind speed of 6.6 km/s and changed the Umlaufbahn light, was the Potenzial Solcher Methoden zur Vermeidung von Kollisonen zeigte.

Other countries in China have made plans for asteroid abduction missions, a security of the earth to be avoided. China is planning its own asteroid mission in 2030, which will work on the NASA missions and other space assets on the ground.

Risks from smaller asteroids

See the large Asteroids that take most of the life out of Earth, and smaller Asteroids appear in the form of a message about the meteors from Chelyabinsk 2013 said:

That 65-foot asteroid exploded in Russia’s atmosphere, launching an explosion with the energy of more than 30 atomic bombs. Der Luftstoß zerstörte Gebäude und verletzte more als 1,500 Menschen durch zersplittertes Glas.

Solche Vorfälle deutlichen, dass auch smaller, undetected Asteroids a serious consideration for living areas could be.

Asteroid, Komet, Meteorit, Zusammenstoß, Planets, Erde
Asteroid, Komet, Meteorit in Zusammenstoß with the Planets Erde.

The best we can do is the re-ausforderung, smaller Asteroid rights will be recognized and their prices for the railways will be rewarded.

Future developments

The NASA factory, the Recognition of approaching objects by the start of the “NEO Surveyor”, a new infrared head, is being processed. This telescope will be used to destroy the asteroids and carry out the appropriate warning. It should be in the low signal, objects of only a few meters through which to destroy, which were then very difficult to cover.

Parallel to the Wissenschaftler world, all Asteroids with a Durchmesser von more than a Kilometer to catalogue.

Large objects can cause global catastrophes, which are in the Chicxulub Asteroids of the Fall War, which lived to the east of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago.

Keine flourishes Hollywood-Fiktion, under reales Risiko

The fall of the Asteroids 2024 RW1 is a fact, there is a situation created by smaller Weltraumobjekten hit during the world. If you damage the war of Asteroid, you can take a real risk by using a bigger and bigger object.

During the Entwicklung fortschrittlicher planetary defense system and its improvement Precautionary measures it may happen that part of the time is interrupted and that this is prevented.