
Trump lehnt Florida’s Abtreibungsmaßnahme nach Kritik ab – Nachrichten AG

Trump lehnt Florida’s Abtreibungsmaßnahme nach Kritik ab – Nachrichten AG

Donald Trump thinks there is a protection of the right to abdication in his home state of Florida, but is a conservative supporter of criticism. This separation follows an interview with NBC News, in the context of the Anschein analysis, the mass acceptance to support – an expression that is increasing among anti-abdication activists.

While Trump said that Fox News was Florida’s Gesetz, the Abtreibungen nach Wochen would have said, the stronger they could become. Dennoch became one of the rumors that the Abtreibungsrecht in Florida schützen soll: “Man braucht mehr Zeit as sechs Wochen”, said Trump. “I have a passion for life, as I would love to hear.”

Kontroverse Aussagen und je Auswirkungen

Trump’s Behauptung, Demokraten unterstützten Abtreibungen zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Schwangerschaft, ist faktisch falsch, da Abtreibungen after 21 weeks in the USA and often with modern medical Gründen since. However, it is useful to know that this information is valid as well as the right to enter into the verification process.

Trump is battling the massive criticism of the anti-abtreibungs movement, which plays a special role in US conservative politics. Conservative commentator Erick Erickson is boosting his career in social media. “When Donald Trump loses, today is the day he loses,” Erickson writes on X (e.g. Twitter).

Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has said that Trump’s rights and the Six Weeks Verbot have been “quickly calculated, a pro-life Wähler will break free.”

Trump’s stop in the battle of choices

During an interview with NBC News on Thursday, Trump said that his American word about his arrival and more time was not true. Demnach beabsichtige is, for an extension of the first voices. The Wahlkampf campaign sees the candidate candidate JD Vance show that the chairman of the president has still not found a definitive solution – an Aussage, which Vance with ‘eigene Beurteilung’ Trumps is known.

Trump’s Democrats, President Kamala Harris, responded to Trump’s anti-Abtreibungs-Haltung support and concrete. “Donald Trump has established his position by making the Abtreibung very clear: There would be an Abtreibungsverbot, that is so extremist, that is gilded, before women even delete, that is schwanger sind,” Harris said.

The power of the Harris Campaign is in German, the Abtreibungsrecht is a topic that confuses the Wahlkampfes. Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for the Campaign, said that Harris would fight for the Rechte of the Wähler and that Trump would not be able to use his Rechte.

After the American court in the year 2022, when the Landsweiterecht is based on an Abtreibungrecht, it is now a single Federal State, which has separated the Abtreibungsrecht. In Florida, the withdrawal after two weeks is prohibited, but the previous Verfassungsänderung soll den Zugang bis zur Lebensfähigkeit des Fötus (approximately 23–25 Weeks) is sichern.

Umfragen said, that is a Mehrheit of the American Abtreibungsrechte unterstützt. An attack penetrated in July by the University of North Florida, which 69% of the American researchers in Florida can no longer help, 23% of the day will disappear.

The political lower end of the American top leadership faced Trump with one of its biggest dilemmas. Because it is a first campaign speech, you focus on the right to Abtreibung kip würden – a speech, that is, by the inspiration of three conservative judges, terminated – his halt remains in active campaign-two.

Trump’s argument that the Abtreibungspolitik was a separation of the only Bundesstaat was in conflict with some conservatives who produced a country-wide work. As a result of Trump’s new developments, the financing of in vitro fertilization (IVF) during the regulation or verzherungen of the disease, there is a mass take, which falls on a own anti-abtreibungs- and religious group on the broader state of affairs.