
Gemeinsam Leben retten: DKMS feiert 20 Jahre Schulprojekt / Rund 8.000 Lebenschancen …

Gemeinsam Leben retten: DKMS feiert 20 Jahre Schulprojekt / Rund 8.000 Lebenschancen …

DKMS Donor Center gGmbH

Gemeinsam Leben retten: DKMS feiert 20 Jahre Schulprojekt / Rund 8,000 Lebenschancen für Affected in 50 Ländern weltweit

Cologne (ots)

For 20 years, the DKMS debts have been active in the whole of Germany, registration activities are a fact, a person with debt loans in the whole world of their lives. The Bereitschaft der Schulen is enormous: since 2004, there are 8,000 female and male students worldwide with their family-spending hope for a second life. The events for the 20th birthday of the school project occurred on 5 September – starting with all participating schools in Germany – in the Willy Brandt Gesamtschule in Cologne-Höhenhaus statt. Start with the DKMS in a small anniversary and it may be that there are still more actions with business debts and debts. Dorothee Feller, Debt and Education Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia and Schirmherrin of the DKMS debt projects in NRW, is working on the Anlass das Engagement der Schulen for the community organization.

Von der Ortlichen Schule in de Ganze Welt

The registration of registrations and the German debts has played a big role, but it is clear that there is a problem. Since 2004, 3,000 Schulen mitgemacht have been run. There are 600,000 Schulerinnen and Schuler registrations active. More than 8,000 von ihnen has a heute Stammzellen in 50 Länder gespendet. “If it had started with a small cotton swab, it could have become a larger amount. If you register as a spender or a spender, other people can be involved in the world of life. The DKMS debt project continues to affect people’s health. machen und deutlicht de Schülerinnen en Schülern, wie ikhr in eigener Einsatz sein kann”, sagt die Schul- und Bildungsministerin von Nordrhein-Westfalen und Schirmherrin des Schulprojekts in NRW, Dorothee FellerI would like to thank all the educational institutions, teachers and teachers of all the students and students of the combined schools who have contributed to their registration activities and that their spending dates have been full and well-lived people and their families have been able to enjoy appropriate spending.’

The DKMS debt project started in 2004, one of the most young people who are motivated is that it is possible to register. Der Grund: The tribes of young people often come for a breach of expenditure. “In schools we meet with helpful Spendernachwuchs. A young person has had my best years and had a nicer sale – this is the best expenditure of a long time on the sale,” to pronounce Andrea AutenriethAbteilungsleiterin der DKMS Spenderneugewinnung.

In Schulen, the DKMS is increasingly turning to young people with unequally different identities. This diversity is tough, but a Stammzell transplant is the best immune test for a separated lineage. “These brand men were broken and told by the ethnic re-creation. It is also likely that the affected person is found in the interior of the own Ethnie. The more successful and far-fetched our data is, the better,” ergänzt Andrea Autenrieth in her Ansprache in the Willy-Brandt-Gesamtschule.

Over the years, the debt project could generate even more debt. So you start with your school schools, community schools and high school schools in all Bundesländern angeschrieben and engeladen, sich zu beteiligen. I am Schuljahr 2024/25 and die on 6,000 Schulen. “These great works of art can be a token of appreciation and a token of gratitude with a very heartfelt content. It can be that the shoes are used to save common life and thus make history”, says Andrea Autenrieth. Especially the next engagement is possible. So there is a guilt that permeates the spirit of the action phase, the DKMS guilt.

Team spirit, social involvement and the good feeling that you can help

With the organization of registration activities, the project achieves a real added value for learners and teaching staff. Female and male students assume shared responsibility and experience self-efficacy through their own standard plans and settings. Clarification and merging information can be a first step. Ensure that information material and digital digital information material and suitable for use in the school during the DKMS access are available. The activities of the organizations keep control at the end of the action phases in their hands: the investigations into new registration potential expenditure: there are a few people with blood-curdling world hope.

31 new registration at Aktionstag in Kölner Gesamtschule

The 20th anniversary of the projects is celebrated by the DKMS-stelvertretend for all entrepreneurial debts bundesweit an der Willy Brandt General School in Cologne. Please note that the registration statistics of the 480 female and male students in the DKMS services have been financed. Seven of their members have been prepared. On 5. September, 31 people have given new registrations.

Once all other debts are resolved, the DKMS debt project is a good idea. A registration as a Stammzellspender: in ist bedeutsamer if you zuvor. By the end of the year 2024, 135,000 people will be separated from the DKMS Aus. Tendency increasing. Spendernachwuchs will be urgently reported. Ideal übernehmen Schülerinnen und Schüler mit die Registrierung den Staffelstab.

All information with images and graphics can be downloaded here:

About the DKMS

The DKMS is an international gemeinnützige organization, whose concern is that it often occurs that Blutkrebspatient:innen who a sweaty Lebenschance zu geben can get. On May 28, 1991 in Germany, Dr. Peter Harf was founded and ensured that patients and patients had a longer stay. In the DKMS more than 12.5 million potential expenditures and expenditures are registered, while the organization has spent more than 115,000 Stammzellspenden. The DKMS is available in Germany in the USA, Poland, Great Britain, Chile, South Africa and South Africa active. During international projects and Hilfs programs the DKMS provides still more human world access to a life-saving therapy. Darüber can be involved with the DKMS in the Reaching of Medicine, Science and Research, a Healing Chance of Patient:in your words. In the High Performance Laboratory of the DKMS Life Science Lab, the organization has made a great contribution to the typographic possibilities of stems, so the perfect match for a transplant has been found.

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DKMS Donor Center gGmbH
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0221 – 94 05 82 3311
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Original content from: DKMS Donor Center gGmbH, added to the news