
Lindners Kampf v Geldwäsche: Eine Behörde als Denkmal?

Lindners Kampf v Geldwäsche: Eine Behörde als Denkmal?

Politiker agents think about it, damn, the man is in späteren-zeiten nor an inner may. Wurden von Monarchen früher Monumente has been erected, so that the time and methods have changed. Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has given a personal opinion about the fact that he sent the herbs after the Bundestagswahl to the last day of the Bundesregierung.

If the FDP is no longer a governing party after the next Wahl, it is the most recent demokopische untersuchungen and einschätzungen that there are; The liberalization of the liberals in the Bundestag is no longer possible. If the Bundesamt zur definanciering van de financiële crisis discusses, Lindner will undertake a round of thinking. Impressed by all the Schwüre and Bekenntnisse zum Bürokratieabbau.

The new Federal Office is busy financing financial matters. Deutschland gilded in diesem Bereich als Land mit großen Defiziten. About hundreds of billions of euros of illegal money are made, they are involved in the drug trade, so that in the Federal Republic they will be able to grow “weiß” during the year. This massive money wash is the new Federal Office of Entgegenwirken. Laut Lindner, who had followed the “Spur des Geldes”, planned to see Ansatz here, at the Vortaten that anzusetzen the Drogenhandel. Dafür wird laut Etatentwurf 2025 die nieuw Behörde 1,195 Couples erhalten. 769 Couples who come from others Behörden wie dem Zoll.

Kritiker des Geldwäsche-Amtes warns against Bürokratie

It was the case that the problem was in practice, and the opposition was criticized. The Ampel colony created Behörden-Chaos with overlapping structures, so the left hand at the money laundering did not know, was the right hand, criticism and the CDU/CSU-Abgeordnete Matthias Hauer and the support for the unprofessional planning of the Finance Minister who is a “warning for” all professional money launderers, Mafiosi and Clans”. Denn Lindners new Behörde does not even last a hidden deposit duchführen.

Other sources are that there is a simple sales strategy involving cars and gold treasures from the German Association for the purpose of constitutional reform. Administrative and criminal law were inevitably misused. The sharpest criticism can bring the more limited Bürokratie, the Lindner, to the attention. Since it has not happened even once, the entire quality of life of the backup is unacceptable.

The Bayerische Finanzminister Albert Füracker (CSU) warned about the abolition of the new Federal Office for the Bekämpfung der Finanzkriminalität. The Bund paints a large part of the components that can be used for the theme: “I am satisfied with a second work environment, which is completely immune to the situation and the bureaucracy is more complex as were accepted.”
