
Three Fragen und Antworten: No reason, without packing digital Souvenirs

Three Fragen und Antworten: No reason, without packing digital Souvenirs

The US government may have taken over the urgent digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe. The Schwarz Gruppe – the trading groups that include brands such as Lidl and Kaufland – is starting 2020 in cloud business. If you are ambitious, the company will offer a larger alternative to AWS, Azure and Co. The STACKIT collision of SMEs will support the infrastructure (IaaS), platform services (PaaS) and runtimes that will go live in 2022. We are now talking to Walter Wolf, Chairman of Schwarz Digits, about the state of affairs.



Black numbers


Walter Wolf, Principal at Schwarz Digits

With Schwarz Digits, a new version of the cloud infrastructure is offered, so that you can use all digital resources for Europe. Do you want to know if you can expand the market power of AWS, Azure & Co.?

How can it be that the energy supplier has some of the digitalisation fragments: Can wires be used to connect to key technologies from other countries? Testing the redevelopments in gas supply makes it clear: Europe has a technical solution. There is a strong abolition of European data protection standards, but it is not possible that European data protection standards do not exist. Therefore, a solution has been found for the digitalisation of one’s own path and another way to let others go.

There must be a certain problem for the external data of the Schwarz Gruppe, while the data storage is used as a data processing in Germany-stattfinden. No provider on the market can offer one of these core competencies, also with STACKIT, our own Cloud, build. Once we get started, there is a good chance that our functionality and our maximum mass have an uninterrupted capacity, since 2022 started, our cloud services are also offered externally. With the acquisition of XM Cyber ​​​​it is possible to create a hybrid cloud security with our attack path management. If you can use your network while you are making an attack and can work so terrifying, before it is a real cyber attack. Our products are very attractive because they are more attractive, but it is certainly not fun. It is best to download some files of type 2 with STACKIT and XM Cyber ​​​​on the C5 test certificate of the Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI), with the highest security level of the reinforcement of the criticism of the BSI properties.

Corporate affairs can, but public institutions should mainly consider their services from their own cloud providers. In what way is it possible to use the knowledge group at Schwarz Digits and who has focused his or her attention on this?

Fundamentally, all of our digital software and high standards are no longer available, but which support non-internal management or facility settings.

Companies are noticing great interest in all companies in regular industry, companies in the public and health sector – in the past it would probably have been a case of welfare. The digitalization of the State and Administration is a hornet’s nest construction and basic facilitation for the restoration of the independence and future viability of our country and the whole of Europe. A resilient and strong representation is the time for everyone who deals with the lungs and a digital memory. We can no longer combine our STACKIT Cloud with the Cloud Broker BTC with the Mitgliedern and Trägern of govdigital, the Society of IT services, a.

Darüber is part of a strategic partnership with Aleph Alpha and the GovTech Campus Deutschland with F13. The municipality offers an AI assistant system with the state of Baden-Württemberg at a high data sovereignty level, which is even better, the management of digitalization.

If you are in the private sector, it is extremely heavy, critical with your own data. Germany lives from its knowledge and its innovation power, for everything in Mittelstand. If we are in the hands of the American manufacturer, we can no longer use our core to hang the world of wool other things.

The standard of the server is one, the hardware of the hard- and software is another. Who wants to secure Schwarz Digits, if the infrastructure of their own infrastructure is not built incorrectly?

If there is a compromise, it will be an unanswered question and the analysis is a critical digital core. If you want to offer a new service, you can use a system and a service that offers more functionality. Darauf focused on the selection of our hardware and software. If you use the Open Source support and point us to a system, there is no Vendor Lock-in that you can use. You can rely on the possibility to stabilize your economic low price on the Bereitstellung of your services with a click. With a click in the Quellcode it is certain that our requests are fulfilled. Unconfirmed hat in the price. Dependency is difficult for a long time but always more.

Herr Wolf, thanks for those Antworten!

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