
Happy End for Wohnstift Buxtehude: Seniorenhaus eG is new Betreiber

Happy End for Wohnstift Buxtehude: Seniorenhaus eG is new Betreiber

A Happy End for Team, Resident and Customer of the Senior Residence Wohnstift Buxtehude at Genslerweg 4: With the Senior House eG, a great regional operator for the facility in the Buxtehude city center was founded after the bankruptcy. Due to the common Träger, there are many more information and service providers in the district stage, which with their best consensus can offer the best quality of life for seniors and seniors, including for optimal working conditions in the team. So if you are busy with your family, the seniors and seniors who themselves do their best in housing construction, in that case and an own Zimmer hat and their self-best best time spend. Dafür wird im Wohnstift die besthende Pflegestation in zwei ambulant betreute Wohngemeinschaften with insgesamt 21 places around.

“Durch das Konzept der Wohngemeinschaften entfallen für die Bewohner und Bewohnerinnen Orschriften, wie zB festgelegte Essenszeiten, and die Pflegekräfte können ihre Beitszeiten flexible einteilen”, explains Alexander Lipnicki, Vorstand der Seniorenhaus eG. This means that you will be well informed and qualified to care for and care for your life.

When it comes to the housing construction of the housing associations, the Kreis für de Vorstandsvorsitzenden Alexander Lipnicki and the Prokuristen Martin Adebahr: Both were for the Gründung der Genossenschaft in the Housing Society – Adebahr as Einrichtungs- and Lipnicki as Küchenleiter – and have learned their knowledge here. “Genau before they spent years establishing the private properties and then built the seniors’ home in Horneburg and the Koningshof in Harsefeld,” reports Alexander Lipnicki. “We will continue to look after our Buxtehude.”

The Residential Team with more than 50 employees and employees were more than happy with the community and the workforce of the Seniorenhaus eG with more than 120 employees. “We are happy with our colleagues and colleagues for a living team,” says Alexander Lipnicki, who expresses his gratitude to the guideline and his team guideline. “Yvonne Wiesner is schafft, in the swinging Time of Insolvency, which motivates and keeps the bet alive.”
For the Bewohnerinnen and Bewohner der Seniorenresidenz the Trägerwechsel are often positive Veralchangen. Thus the long-term of the structurations were changed. A long-term Neuerung for the Mieterinnen and Mieter des Betreuten Wohnens is the Möglichkeit, which can be used by a person who has to use an own Pflegedienst.

With the overall appearance of the Seniorenhaus eG, the soul of the Seniorenresidenz Wohnstift Buxtehude remains unchanged: The Seniors and Seniors will lead a different life in a central low-level environment with an atmosphere and a number of service facilities on offer.