
NettoKOM Guthaben aufladen (Karte & Bankkonto)

NettoKOM Guthaben aufladen (Karte & Bankkonto)

With NettoKOM you can use the “Netto Marken-Discount” to use your own Prepaid subscription. The Guthaben-Karten-Card is the leader of the Kasse der Netto-branches. If you get more possibilities, a NettoKOM-Guthab version is available here.

NettoKOM: Cheap charging

The mobile phone provider NettoKOM is operated by “Telefónica Deutschland” in joint operation with the trading chain. Official services are possible, it is possible to top up your NettoKOM SIM card: for a map or an overview of your bank account.

Clean-up cards

The NettoKOM-Aufladekarten are ihr an der Kasse von all „Netto Marken-Discount“-Markten (not with the new NETTO Supermarket, as generated by “Netto with Dog”). The NettoKOM loading cards are available I am from 5, 15 or 25 Euro.

The code on the Guthaben map cannot be more than good in der NettoKOM app under “Guthaben aufladen” → “Aufladen per Aufladekarte” or online at “Mein NettoKOM”. The Gutschrift takes a maximum of 15 minutes on your SIM card.

Direct payment via bank account

Alternatively, a SIM card can be loaded with a sum of money (from 10 euros) over the direction of a bank card. This is also optional. NettoKOM app under “Guthaben aufladen” → “By bank card” or online at “Mein NettoKOM” possible. So think of your bank details by Lastschriftverfahren or Guthaben aufladen.



Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG



Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

Weitere Möglichkeit das NettoKOM-Guthaben aufzuladen

If you just don’t have any money left on your bank details, you can earn your money with other methods of loading your bank details. So you can load your purchases on or via NettoKOM-Guthaben and use PayPal, payments or a credit card here.

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