
The new Ampel-Förder program is a start

The new Ampel-Förder program is a start

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Millions of other houses are learning, where young people are building new buildings. Often the costs are higher for the new redevelopment. Here the Bund will be established and a new start-up program will be implemented.

Berlin – Fast two millions of old homes are being built in Germany. Although we often wage war, it is not that it is becoming wiser to restructure. It is a new program for the Federal Government for families. „Young buys Old“ went into service (September 3) and starts. It is aimed at a family with children, another real estate buyer and its restructure lights. Make sure you do the anvorerungen on your criticism.

Soul direction

Gerade in small towns and communities can lead the entire Häuser to Verkauf or leer. If the young people understand the idea of ​​the Bauminister Klara Geywitz (SPD), they are free to spend their resources, Dorfkerne will experience the Innenstädte and Hoge Familien, the Traum vom eigenen Haus zu inherit. “The family can thus enjoy their time in their other home, having the best health care in their home and taking care of other health care arrangements in their future,” says Geywitz. Gerade in the land and the besieged regions avoided man so, the historical Bausubstanz in the Dorfkern learns firmly and the human drumherum in the Neubau-wohnen.

Soul group

Zielgruppe is a family with minors and children who help children. Wer a kind of hat, which can yield a maximum of a reinforced main prize of 90,000 euros. With what weiteren Kind erhöht sich diese Schwelle um 10,000 Euro. If the Baukindergeld is seen or embodied, this cannot be supported.

A learning house in a small community in Germany: Rund 2 Millionen Häuser Stehen in Deutschland leather, often as a grim sanitation operation. The Ampel will motivate the young family to invest and create new lives.
A teaching house in a small community in Germany: Around 2 million houses in Germany learn, often as a grim redevelopment plan. The Ampel will remain among the young families who motivate, invest here and so often “ausgestorbenen” or do new things. © Henning Kaiser / dpa

Framework agreements

The family needs a house or a dwelling and can feel at home themselves. It is also a small farm, if another house becomes a holiday home or another house. The combination has been gilded for five years. Furthermore, the house must be in a comparatively poor energy condition. I am energy neutral in the worst groups F, God or He are classified. In Germany, the Ministry is on 45 percent of all residential buildings for. Within 54 months, the house must then be renovated so that it reaches at least energy efficiency class 70 EE. This is the case, this is 30 percent of the energy used as a device with the smallest standards. Obendrein muss de Wärmeerzeugung zu mindestens 65 Prozent auf regenerative Energien umgestellt zijn – was in der Regel also auch einen Heizungstausch bedeutet.

To defend

The state bank KfW is granted a credit that does not fall under the existing conditions. To start, the sentence requirement is 35 years of credit run-time and a ten-year sentence requirement of 1.51 percent. The creditworthiness is one of the few children’s rights: if a child receives a maximum of 100,000 euros, with two children 125,000 euros, or more children up to 150,000 euros. There is a credit term of 35 years that allows a sentence requirement of up to 20 years. A family with two children can save the sentence requirements of a loan of 18,000 euros, says Geywitz. Zusätzlich kan een man zum Beispiel voor gedämmte Fassaden und Dächer, new Fenster or den Austausch een eigen Heizung auch einer Fördermittel ofs States beans.


In this year 350 million euros were earned. The money is never one of the few advantages that the zinsverbilligung of the used credit credits offers. Obtaining credits is then higher in German.


It’s all a good way to strengthen the Anforderungen. So they are interested in playing with the Landesbausparkassen, which means that families will be affected by the construction work that has occurred, which is quite expensive for such a large renovation project. Real estate with as little energy consumption within four years will thus be modernized, “that will unite the time between money and money”, it is clear. If you wish to do so, please contact the Association for further assistance. “Zudem auch better Energie-effizienzklasses in de Förderung aufgenommen zijn, damit der Sprung zum angestrebten Level smaller and higher level.“ Thanks to the Klimaschutz your Sanierung is better as small Sanierung and on the Kampf gegen the Wohnungsmangel where more is gained, if the chance on a longer property, a few hot dishes are added.