
US-Börsen uneinheitlich – Abkühlung op de US-Arbeitsmarkt

US-Börsen uneinheitlich – Abkühlung op de US-Arbeitsmarkt

US-Börsen uneinheitlich – Abkühlung op de US-ArbeitsmarktThe US-Börsen have said something uneinheitlich in the Donnerstag. The price of trading in New York was 40,756 points, with a minus in the amount of 0.5 per share for trading. Wenge minutes would get the short S&P 500 with rund 5,490 Punkten 0.5 Prozent im Minus, the technology stock exchange Nasdaq berechnete the Nasdaq 100 with die Zeitpunkt with rund 18,930 Punkten wenige Punkte in Plus. For the free plant distribution of the US labor market notices, the data of private IT service providers ADP records, but the Zahl is not geschaffener Arbeitsplätze deutlich gefallen ist. I created 99,000 jobs in the private sector in August, and 122,000 in shape.

It is the smallest victory in January 2021. The official data on the trend market is worth using the US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve in the following sentence statement, no longer the fragments set, while the Leitzins are sent, other statistics, what fell . The second war of the European Gemeinschaftswährung in the Donnerstagabend was approximately: one euro costs 1.1106 US dollars, a dollar war is paid out for 0.9004 euros. The Goldpreis can be profitable and will bring a profit of 2,516 US dollars (+0.8 percent). A price of 72.83 euros per gram was paid. The oil price fell as expected: A Fass of the Nordsee type Brent cost 72.66 US dollars at 22 Uhr German time, there were four cents or 0.1 percent less than the last trading day.

Photo: Wall Street in New York, über dts Nachrichtenagentur