
Gebäudeschooner-Gewerkschaft produces three Euro higher Stundenlohn

Gebäudeschooner-Gewerkschaft produces three Euro higher Stundenlohn

Main-Tauber district. Sauberer Lohn für saubere Arbeit: Wer im Main-Tauber-Kreis Büros, Schulen, Arztpraxen or Altenheime sauber hält, der soll dafür schon kaal deutlich more Money in Portemonnaie haben. If the stundenlöhne in the Gebäudereinigung costs about three euros. That promotes the Gebäudecleaner-Gewerkschaft IG BAU Nordwürttemberg.

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The minimum costs of the cleaning industry will cost 16.50 euros per day after purchase. “If it is Lohn, most of the cleaning credits are in the Main-Tauber-Kreis. And the new Lohn-Limit for the heart of the matter, the civilized in the Gebäudereinigung leisten,” said Jürgen Ziegler.

The editorial staff of IG BAU Nordwürttemberg right here: “Among the workers who work for a period of 2790 euros gross, we can work full time. I think it’s all a task now. You can view the Tagesrandzeiten – morgen and spätabends – in Einsatz. Even then, if the most serious upheavals in the Main-Tauber-Kreis neither break or enjoy their freedom.”

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Work in the cleaning industry is a “knochenjob”. Impressed by the content: “Der Job is more powerful. Under the circumstances fell ab: As power is not ever Spaß, Schultoiletten in Main-Tauber-Kreis sauber zu machen,” said Jürgen Ziegler. Dazu comes to a greater Zeitdruck. A cleaning agent is often confronted with stressful situations – with Saubermachen van Kranken- or Pflegezimmern zum Beispiel.

“There is a higher time in the previous phase of the research into the future. The time, in the case of a cleaning cleaner that has reached the end of the cleaner, is where the power Ziegler of the IG BAU Nordwürttemberg is clear about. Please note that most years of the run 220 Beschäftigten der Gebäudereinigung in the Main-Tauber district – where many Mini-Jobbers run – receive “no single cent of an inflation compensation premium”. Therefore, a “proper follow-up order at the rate” for the cleaning instructions is now necessary.

If there are gelernten glass and wax cleaners, then that costs more euros and then it costs 19.70 euros to earn more, so the work.

If you use the cleaning agents in the craft, you benefit from profit: for the purchase of a product, the IG BAU is offered a plus of 150 euros per month. The compensation was then at the start of the education at 1050 euros.

I have a Ausbildungsjahr sollen, so the Forderung der IG BAU, Azubis with 1500 Euro pro Monat nach Hause gehen. It will cost 300 Euro more if all goes well. Image: IG BAU/ Göricke