
Pre-sales for the Heimspiele der Straubing Tigers have started

Pre-sales for the Heimspiele der Straubing Tigers have started

(ra) Ab sofort können Tickets for the Kommenden Heimspiele der Straubing Tigers were available until November 3. Tickets can be found in the Straubing Tigers Ticketing portal, and all available Vorverkaufsstellen (Straubinger Tagblatt, Tankstelle Schwaiger and Mediamarkt) are available in the Fanshop.

Sonderaktion für Nachwuchsmannschaften en Vereinsgruppen

The Straubing Tigers are a credible action again: Thanks to the uneingestränkten Use of the stadium capacity, the Lower Bavarian PENNY DEL club can be a special offer for homecoming games and club groups at its homecoming games. The matches of this offer were played in Derby and Playoff games.

The most important details of the offers:

  • Pro Heimspiel kan sich three Mannschaften or Gruppen with jewels up to 20 Personen
  • 1 Investor reports.
  • Die Teilnehmer*innen müssen under 18 Jahre alt sein entsprechende Alternachweise
    to be presented when returning the item.
  • The ticket price for these persons is one Euro per seat ticket.
  • A erwachsene Begleitperson is free from Eintritt and muss vorab-namentlich angemeldet
  • Other attendants will use the regular final payment.
  • A lawful notification is hereditary.
  • The Tickets are played in the Kasse 1 under the names of the Vereins, of the Group or
    der Begleitperson hinterlegt and müssen dort bar bezahlt were.
  • Checkout 1 minute 90 minutes before the start of the game.

The next gold-plated spot shows the “first come, first served” principle. The game plan can be found on the Straubing Tigers website at