
A Siege for the Right of Reign

A Siege for the Right of Reign

The “Internet Archive” argues for Gericht, which is the free offer in public interest see. This position bezeichneten die Richter in ihrem Urteil alldings als shortsighted. Zwar könnten Libraries und Readers: inten for de kurze Zeit vom Zugriff op kostenlose digital Bücher make profit, but die Frage sei: Was since those long-lasting Consequences?

It focuses on the seriousness of the interest for both parties that Fall an, findet aber dennoch deutlich Worte the advantages of the Urheberrecht: The „Internet Archive“ is used, that is a Verbot signaler „Open Library“ with Verbrauchern damage, so that Richter – but that unauthorized scans der Bücher weiterhin zu erlauben, damage to the cars and cars.

Every digital book, the “Internet Archive” has been expanded, bring Verlage and Autoren to the Einnahmenwho works together as compensation for my creative work, in favor of the guideline. Was sich langfristig wiederum negative about book production auswirken würde – and damn it on the consumers.