
Trotz Todesstrafe und Umerziehungslager: K-Pop erobert in North Korea

Trotz Todesstrafe und Umerziehungslager: K-Pop erobert in North Korea

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Trotz Todesstrafe und Umerziehungslager: K-Pop erobert in North Korea
Heute kaum mehr kostenellbar: Kim Jong-un (right) spoke in 2018 in Pjöngjang with Popstars from South Korea. © KCNA/AFP

Even in North Korea music and TV series from the South are allowed. Wer erwischt, I would die the death penalty. But sogar Diktator Kim seems a swäche for the culture of the end of his life.

Seoul – BTS und Blackpink statt Brecht und Beethoven: Während Deutschland met öffentlichen Mitteln Theater und Oper fördert, pumps South Korea als Regierung voor Steuergelder in Popmusik. And that is Erfolg. HelloThe Korean Welle, the well-known pop group, with the series ‘Squid Game’ and the Oscar winner ‘Parasite’ of the South Korean culture child has grown to a year ago in the world. After the industry has cast a critical eye on the demand for stars, there is talk of relocation – and a sustainable strategy for the South Korean direction.

“The government has a vision, the K-Inhalte-Industrie as a national strategic industry that is responsible for the development of the world market,” says Yu In-chon, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea. Portal myKorea. That is a natural thing with Money. In South Korea it is possible that the cultural anziehungskraft can be used. And it will not be long in China, Japan or Europe and the US. Among the South Korean communist countries: North Korea is an attack of K-Pop fans.

“The ältere Generation in Nordkorea favors South Korean TV series and films”

A study of American agricultural series is extensive in the ways that such a closed dictatorship is. More than 83 percent of the respondents – 6,351 in the South Korean region – watch a night, prepared TV program or films from South Korea, China or the US. “There is a great source of Australian culture, but most North Koreans will be amazed by the South Korean economy and the strong desire to see, more than the world of their lives,” said one of the South Korean foreign ministers, who studied first hat, at a meeting in Seoul. “The whole generation in North Korea has made South Korean films and films, which the young generation can bring to K-pop.”

Prepared in the 1980s, South Korean music has been a North Korean youth movement, which has broadcast the direction, which itself has emerged from the North in the South for years. More recently, students who study in Ausland have secretly smuggled South Korean films and series to North Korea. If there are zero years, CDs and DVDs can be sold on black markets. “There are USB sticks with South Korean television series, films and political information that are extensive,” said the projector.

Noord-Gegen Südkorea: Propagandakrieg mit Luftballons

Some of the USB sticks come directly from the south of the border, activate the connection of the small dates and the balloons and shoot them in the north. While you respond to this cultural invasion with your own art: More Tausend Balloons, and the bag that Muller hangs up, the Kim regime lets the Monaten follow in the south. The regime has become a culture in the south of Dorn in August. 2020 Erließ the government in Pyongyang sogar a law, the conversion camp or the death penalty for people vorsieht, the South Korean cultural equipment further spread.

Messages that you can read are dramatic “Gesetz zu reactionären Gedanken und reaktionärer Kultur” if something else has happened. So before two years a 22nd anniversary is played, South Korean pop music is popular and the film from the country is increasingly expanded. Der Fall found an active message about the direction in Seoul at the human rights court in the north of Halbinsel.

Ebenfalls 2022 will be open on 16 years during the working year, after which they will be present in the southern regions of the world. A North Korean Propaganda Video, that’s it BBC The playing and research into the production of products will continue, while they are both young for Hunderten Zuschauern in the Richtern-vorgeführt were. Still deutlich most important sound for a few weeks a message from fernsehsenders Chosun TVon July 30, began paying debts to South Korean Fernsehserien. Verify that this report has not been executed.

“Bösartiges Krebsgeschwür”: Kim Jong-un portrays K-Pop and Co.

Since 2011, Diktator Kim Jong-il has been leading the re-evaluation of South Korean culture. His son Kim Jong-un has entered into a battle with the “great creditworthiness”, which is not getting any more intense. A few years ago, it was no different: 2018, with a few short breaks in the Swiss North and South region, there was a handful of K-pop stars with a guest play in Pyongyang. Under the motto “Fresh Spring” the rock band YB and the girl group Red Velvet will be playing for Kim, while Frau and Hunderten will be loading guests in a concert hall in the East in the North Korean Hauptstadt.

The South Korean Media War is the first time a North Korean Führer has envisioned a Vorstellung of Künstlern from the South. When Kim was given a sum of money to finance it, it was a matter of: South Korea had a Minister of Culture who split messages, the Diktator had “great interest and a great interest.”

The North Korean regime on the cultural import from the South has continued to speak for a year, it is no wonder that they can listen to a music or film sound of Diktator Kim. For the regime, so it seems, ist Hello existenzbedrohend. In the South Korean Vereinigungsministerium glaubt man, dass K-Pop und Co. The way people live in North Korea has changed: “Dieser kulturelle Wander with a living environment.” Kim Jong Un.

South Korean Voices: Kim Jong-un Shocks People

It is good to know that the beds are good. Würde man South Korean culture weiter ins Land lassen, würde Nordkorea “like a wet wall” zerbröckeln, warn the state media for three years. The series and the film are nervous, who lives in the south of the country, has become the Korean war – the northern regularity with famine in the camps.

The siege of culture in the South is no longer noticeable. “The presentation of K-dramas has so much influenced the art and wisdom that couples speak of one another,” said the South Korean Association Ministry. So see in the South believe that terms with “Jagi” (Honey) are also used as kosenamen in the North.

No dictator Kim Jong-un seems to pull the flow from the South to himself. So in August there was a decision about the high water areas in the North of the Landes, which could not pass as “Comrades”, as “Citizen”. Other remarks, which in the South of Germany have been seen as in the North, are in the world of the message, message from US-Sender Radio Free Asia under Berufung auf Quellen in North Korea. The things stated in the message are shocked by the Wortwahl of the Diktators.