
Oliver Saxl (12) has conquered the Ruhe

Oliver Saxl (12) has conquered the Ruhe

Tiefe Trauer herrscht in Wipptal en darüber hinaus nach dem Verkehrsunfall, during the service day of 12-year-old Oliver Saxl aus Stilfes sein Leben vers hat (Here reads Sie more zu diesem tragicen Unglück).

There are many people who have power over all the problems and are affected. Oliver Saxl waged war with the service form of the Zufahrtsstraße nach Stilfes in a Kreuzungsbereich which got a Pkw and there was still one of the Unfallstelle seinen schweren Verleszungen.

There is a hinterlässt seine Eltern and 2 Geschwister. Ihnen gilded the Mitgefühl and the Anteilnahme aller.

Abschiedsgottesdienst in Pfarrkirche von Stilfes

The Farewell Service will take place at 2:30 p.m. in the parish church of Stilfes statt. Once in his life Eltern, his Zwillingsbrother Thomas and his greater Bruder Leo, the Großeltern is Freunde and Bekannte.