
UNRWA: Chef Lazzarini is refused Einreise nach Israel

UNRWA: Chef Lazzarini is refused Einreise nach Israel


Filip LazzariniUNRWA Chief will not return to Israel

I am the boss of Philippe Lazzarini, chef of Palästinser-Hilfswerks UNRWA, lastly entering Israel. They no longer respond to an excerpt from a Verlengerung.

Justin Arber
  • Philippe Lazzarini, chef at the Palästinenser-Hilfswerks UNRWA, focused his work on a visa.

  • After Israel had earned its own jewels for a year in April, this was no longer the case for a month, but the Ministry responded to even more reports.

  • The EDA criticism in the Vorgang.

The most important Hilfswerk in the Gazastreifen is the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), which was dismantled by Palästina-Flüchtlinge in 1949. In the course of the organization, the organization is negatively influenced in the Schlagzeilen. The intention is that Hamas no longer works. The UNRWA hat dies back.

Research into the ‘Tages-Anzeigers’-like nun, the chef of the Hilfswerks, Philippe Lazzarini, inzwischischen the Einreise both in the Gaza Strip and in Israel refuses.

UNRWA: Visa nur um einen Monat verlängert

In the war Lazzarini prepares the trip in Gaza refused to be: there is not the right formula entered, this is his begründung. We can make another trip in May and July, while the «Tages-Anzeiger» falls off.

The visa for Israel started a year ago on April 10 last year and now it is only a month ago. If UNRWA is afraid, the Israeli government has not responded to another visa application. «That is a serious seriousness. The largest humanitarian operation of UNRWA that took place in the Gaza Strip, for the responsible Generalkommissar, said Speaker Juliette Touma.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said: “UNRWA has been abolished, the infiltration of terrorists into their government and the controversial use is aimed at preventing groups.” Lazzarini and his team did not inform Israel ‘even once of the power of the UNRWA organization by Hamas’ in the wars and made it known that they had the neutrality of the fight against them.

That’s what the EDA says

In response to the “Day Announcement” the Swiss Foreign Office EDA said that it had knowledge of Davon that Lazzarini – “as were other high UN officials” – refused the right to enter the country and/or stay in Israel and/or the occupied territory. “The sister states in the EDA-inner Israel are a direct source of relief for humanitarian rights, a swift and unhindered humanitarian care for the suffering of persons and their sufferers”, so to speak. “When it comes to human action, no voluntary actions are necessary, a Help Leisten zu können.”

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