
Luigi have been working since 25 years at VW: “Wussten since Monaten, that was in Busch war”

Luigi have been working since 25 years at VW: “Wussten since Monaten, that was in Busch war”

When Daniela Cavallo and the “Wache Sandkamp” asked the VW operating council to comment on the Tuesday night VW tour of duty at the “Wache Sandkamp” for a trip through a dozen cameras, a planning stage for work decisions and the end of the Kündigungsschutzes, Luigi still remained an unattractive hint to the middle class.

It was not as if journalists were not included in the company assembly: just before the state of 50 years, in front of 25,000 VW workers, a VW boss Oliver Blume and his manager shouted slogans of the demand in opposition with a megaphone. You can look directly at someone else.

“Stehen auf der Liste unbeliebter VW-Mitarbeiter ganz oben”

Dass Luigi Catapano took his stand, it is not Zufall. As a Vertrauensmann in VW-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg, one of the two employees of the “Vertrauenskörperleitung”, who functions for the IG Metall as a Nahtstelle zum Betriebsrat.

“Wir stehen beim Unternehmen auf der Liste der unbeliebtests Mitarbeiter sicher ganz oben”, witzelt is after the Press conference at 30 Grad im Treasures, see the black Base-Cap over the black hair-colored hair – and grin.

Schon Catapanos Vater and Großvater work at VW – and now they are gone

Nicht nur als Vertrauensmann kan de zurückblicken de zweifache Vater auf fell Erfahrung in Konzern. “Luigi”, was used on his black IG-Metall shirt at VW more than 25 years ago – after he incorporated Vater and Großvater into the dritter Generation.

A blessing vessel started a year ago with the first Catapano of the 4th generation. A Luigis Karriere at VW, which Toyota now no longer puts in the car group of Welt, is a beautiful Beispiel, which VW keeps at the Belegschaft. Bilang zominderst.

Born as a New Neapolitan Eltern in Offenburg in 1974, the little Luigi was born during his childhood with his family in Wolfsburg. “My Great Peppino war 1968 came back here. In 1976 I was given more power than an ‘abstecher’ in Wolfsburg, a relative who earned a sum of money. Daraus has become a VW since 40 years.”

It’s like that at VW it’s as high as possible. That’s also good for night shifts. “My father is probably one of the best people who earn money. It’s so comfortable with the night hours and it can be that we have a big Wohnung-leisten.” The family has become a new car, says Catapano – a natural VW.

When the dividend is paid, Papa Vincenzo has often made a new choice. “We have been going to Naples every year for six weeks in the summer – with a train, the VW for a fast symbolic ticket price from Wolfsburg to Palermo and back. And we can tell you everything.”

Zum 25. VW Service Anniversary both days free and double Gehalt

The Eltern returns to the VW Mitarbeiter 2016 wieder nach Neapel zurück. Dort explains that the money earned in the Grundstücke and Häuser one and genius is now a good interest, says there. Luigi, a German heir, stayed with his family in Wolfsburg.

“When I’ve been in the VW war for years, I’ve been given a day off. At the age of 25, there were two days and a double monthly income, it turns out, only two suggestions for the high cost of the tariff delays can be taken.

But the beginning is not easy. “I would like to be at VW, more security and greater care is nil. VW does not have such a soft feeling.” Therefore, a Lehre as a retailer dazwischen, who has started with the Auszeichnung, has that Filialeiter at Aldi. “And then,” said Luigi Catapano, “came one morning the morning of VW”.

Erster VW-Job: Automatenauffüller

The Job at Aldi has its own Aussage Spaß power, “der Verdienst war gut”. But there are still 12 hours of work to be done. At VW it started 50 years ago with a “Wirtschaftsbetrieb”.

„I am very happy today, the students are happy and said: ‘The brauchst du here nicht’. I’ve had the first time I passed, Getränkeautomaten aufzufüllen. A person earns more as an Aldi branch and less equipment.”

It was a war that was waged more and more often, while working conditions were settled and much more money was made. With the rolling kiosk, the professional Lebensmitteln and Getränke direkt and Band brought. Then as a housekeeper in VW-Gästehaus Rotehof, we were there to take care of and damage the head of Konzernchef Martin Winter who was able to arrive there.

“Manchmal fragment is me, we are open to the Club space as well, and we are happy, the damalige Betriebsratschef Bernd Osterloh sei dort, the answer is ‘Ach du Scheiße’ and mied den Raum.“ Luigi Catapano then after a Abstecher ins zentrale Lebensmittellager first zum Vertrauensmann gewählt und später Mitglied der “Vertrauenskörperleitung” wurde.

Guidance protection at VW soll Fallen – “nobody could imagine that”

If you see Montagabend, as the first report on the thriftiness of the previous generations and the breakthrough of the disease, it is the long term at VW that no longer lasts, which is a war.

“We knew for a while that what was in Busch was just not enough. When VW CEO Blume gave guarantees for the takeover of the company’s activities in 1994, the entire workforce was extremely shocked. Nobody feels that you can get proposals.”

If Luigi Catapano and his business colleagues of the Vorstand under the übel take, is that of the Firmen-Vorstand “for the first time” the Betriebsrat has not bitten by Gespreachen, an über a structural problem with reason. And of course it is an insight into the ownership, the modernization of the groups is an own enterprise that leisten.

Do it with the old savings accounts that make the Konzernführung as soft as possible and lay the Baum-angle, the tragedy of the “VW family”. “There an art ‘holy cow’ was slaughtered.”

Worked power for everyone

Especially the power of the employees and the involvement of Daniela Cavallo, the question of thriftiness has not even been raised – in response to the failure in the installation of E-Cars, the deternehmensführung of a good idea has sold itself.

“E-cars that are der E-Up, the last years sweet and grateful state subsidies were probably not there. With others from the ID series it is likely that the model has not been sold. The error in the company management has become longer, and you do not notice that it is not the case that the companies are the Wall to drive”, Luigi Catapano scoffs.

“The Ampel Government in Berlin has chosen its share of misery, which is why electricity for the industry has not received any more subsidies and subsidies for E-Cars.” All this says that the criticism in the automotive industry has increased.

Involvement at VW-Vorstand, Tränen and Gänsehaut at the Gewerkschaftern

Anyone who loves Fehler’s own government will have noticed that, as President Oliver Blume at the Betriebsversammlung van de Belegschaft met de Worten “Liebe Kollegen und Kolleginnen” angesprochen habe.

There are minute-long breaks and ausgebuht. “I was right there in front of me. If you don’t have any sense, there are ways to learn how to get started, wonder about the IG Metaller.

If there is a company council and the others are managers of the Parole “Wir sind Volkswagen, ihr seid es nicht” in response to the Anrede-geschmettert-hätten and an increasing part of the 25,000 Beschäftigten in the Chor eingestimmt habe, sei die Stimmung and the Tischen schlagartig umgeschlagen, reported Luigi Catapano.

Blume and seine managers had a reaction to the great protest of the menge. “And Daniela, who is the President, is and will never wage a war with my Mitstreitern, but the Massa der Belegschaft für ihre Kritik and the Konzernführung würde mobilizing, standen Tränen in Augen, if they understand, with welchem ​​​​Druck die Belegschaft hinter ihr steht.”

Viele Gewerkschafter hätten feuchte Augen bekommen, veele Gänsehaut gehabt.

“Dieses Herz hat der Vorstand nun brochen”

Anyone who later puts together his “family ties” from the VW Legislature will have Luigi Catapano at the end with a mark from the Wochendschichten.

These products are not so important, but the production and the kitchen are still not quiet, and they are mandatory. If you experience an “extremely burdensome”, the family law depends on the tax.

When the connection to the VW “end of operation” is reached, the nervous display of the display will be executed as self-declared. “The weekly reports have empowered the authorities with the heart. And the heart has now broken the board.”