
Gelingt Waldheimer Tennis Oldies of the great Triumph?

Gelingt Waldheimer Tennis Oldies of the great Triumph?

Gelingt Waldheimer Tennis Oldies of the great Triumph?

Ben Wochenende kampfen de Zschopaustädter a Deutsche Meisterschaft. Who gets the chance to win the 1. TCW einzuschätzen since.

3 minutes

Am Wochenende gilded is for the Mannschaft Herren 65 of 1. TC Waldheim everything abzurufen, then it is for the Zschopaustädter a the Deutsche Meisterschaft in his Altersklasse..

Am Wochenende gilded is for the Mannschaft Herren 65 of 1. TC Waldheim everything abzurufen, then it is for the Zschopaustädter a the Deutsche Meisterschaft in his Altersklasse..

Waldheim. Am Wochenende is so whit. Die Herrenmannschaft 65 des 1. TC Waldheim played in his Altersklasse and the Deutsche Meisterschaft.

Before you go through the war with the management of the Mannschaft in the Zschopaustadt in the Southern Regional League, it is one of the only Staffelse Mannschaft in only eleven Staffeln of the different Alternklassen and the first Saxons at all, unreliable.

The team is a Captain Ernst Schneider who has qualified, with the three best players from the other regional regions Southwest, West and Northeast in Final Four, directly to the German Meisterschaft to play.

High class

The start was made at the venue of the Vorjahresmeisters TC Raadt, a tennis club from Mülheim and the Ruhr area.

Neben de Waldheimern treten Raadt als aktueller West-Meister, der Champion in dem Südwesten, der TC Tennis 65 Eschborn, en der Vizemeister in dem Westen, der TC Rot-Weiß Hangelar aus St. Augustin zum Turnier an. The Meister der Nordwest-Staffel has a panoramic view.

“There has become a high classical Veranstaltung, of all teams with German Spitzenspielern and reichliche Ausländischer Prominenz, which will become everything for the Platze der Weltrangliste-innehmen”, Ernst Schneider estimates the quality of the starters as high quality.

Endless favorite is the Eschborner with the German series master Norbert Henn, who is on number zwei of the Einzel world list of the Altersklasse 65.

All other Mannschaften, einschließlich der des 1.TC Waldheim, see a number of einzuschätzen. “So it was a lot of fun to enjoy the match,” says Ernst Schneider and continues: “It’s interesting to know who enjoys playing with the icy tropical temperatures.”

The beginning of the first sports competitions in the Sonnabend was taken over during the setzung of the two strong teams and the Zulosung of the two other teams.

Lost happiness is feared

Normally it is safe to look at the records in the ranking in the performance classes. Often this is a paint picture of the image that the Spitzenspieler does not or hardly regularly turn in the ranking and in the ranking then not, or it is first another hint to show.

“The solution to the chapter itself was to solve the problem immediately,” Ernst Schneider explains. The second time that the first Tages in the Sonttag play a German Meistertitle, the Verlierer is in the small Finale on the Platz drei.

For the Zschopaustädter it is a challenge, to get the title favorite Eschborn out of the way. Ersehntes Ziel der Waldheimer Mannschaft sei, so Ernst Schneider, of course a Medal. “That is the true triumph of the great Triumph in the History of the Society,” says the Club Chief and TCW Captain.

Waldheimer with strong voice Aufgebot

During your stay, you will be prepared to travel with the strongest Waldheimer life in the Ruhrpott. We became a number one in his zehn: Miguel Mir Rodon, Michal Kuchar, Narcis Carbo, Ernst Schneider, Ramon Canosa-Sendra, Jiri Mares, Cuan Neethling, Andreas Naumann, Tilo Wutzler and Andreas Becher.

One of the ways in which the team of a whole series of traveling fans started is the Gesamte Sächsische Tennisverband and the natural way in which the Akteure itself is experienced, the Team is the son of the Siegerehrung on the best stehen.