
Kranzel princesses at the Kranzel Queen

Kranzel princesses at the Kranzel Queen

Juliane Romer, Jugendwart von der Narrenzunft „Gorilla Club Russenried“, has brought with four Zunftkameradinnen for the holiday program of the Gemeinde Neukirch am Freitag their Mädchen zwischen eight and 12 years to Scheune vom Hof ​​​​Bentele. Romer collaborates with a holiday program by Jule Späth, Annette Beck, Katrin and Lilly Sauter.

Finally, the Kranzel-Mädchen from Neukirch and the surrounding area must be transported to Gesnauwiesen. Gesnauwies can give a hint to Prestenberg and Strass, nor in Bodenseekreis. The Kränze- or Haarschmuckbinden is originally on the Neukircher Holiday Program. “Kranzel-Queen” Daniela Bentele, who founded her sons Deko-Kurse and Dekorations-Service, has ordered time for the Neukircher Mädchen and prepared a mixture of fresh hop vines and various flowers. Make sure that you get power over the cooking, hair shocks, bracelets or grilles.

“That’s the way to go, that’s right,” informed the Kranz-Spezialistin, “the ways of elastizität”. Schließlich has the kitchen with the material – all the important construction work done – great small works of art produced. The starters of the Gorilla-Zunft, who did not yet know Benteles, were wrong about the creative production joy.
Little Emma has worked with the Flechten and beste Vorstellungen, while the Haarkranz is still a Deko-Kranz. However, Marilena did not hesitate to attend the first meal, which was wonderful with her grandmother’s blessing and gratitude: “There is no shortage of decoration for the next family festival here.” After the entire program was completed, you could enjoy the arm, headlamps and accessories. . Kranzel-Queen Bentele is one of the motivated relations and overprotective examples, who were created with hop vines and flowers. The Vielfalt made of asymmetrical headstock with its large Hopfenblumenkrone, vom üppigen Kranz with bunter Blumen-Hopfen-Kombination with its Hopfenkrone spirit. A number of Kranzel-Prinzessinnen could rely on the following gelungenen Kränzchen specimens with nach Hause nehmen.
„Meist sind die Kranzel-Kurse eher für weibliche Teilnehmerinnen“, erläuterte Bentele auf Nachfrage, „Firstly I should be able to offer it on September 13th after some Männer-Kurs anbieten.“ The day from 19 to 21 hours, it is important to stop beer.

More information can be found on Instagram under @kranzel_queen, log in under telephone 0175/9402119.