
Salem: Lifestyle fair is always new: Home and Garden on 20 years in Schloss Salem

Salem: Lifestyle fair is always new: Home and Garden on 20 years in Schloss Salem

The Lifestyle Fair “Home and Garden” of the year 2024 was divided into the many reflections of your first, who for 20 years attracted visitors to the baroque garden of the Schlosses Salem. Black was never everything, life in the house and garden was more beautiful, a wellness and a fun experience, a music and entertainment. If the changes, which are on the laufe dieser are 21. Messen have begun, they have ended the time, said Martin Schmidt, Managing Director of Home and Garden Event GmbH, of the anniversary in northern Germany to a raging war. It is fair to say that the herausforderungen “immer gute Antworten” were found. “Auch dieses Mal ist unserem Team gelungen, here we will bring more than 100 Aussteller here sistersammen.”

Martin Schmidt, Geschätsführer of Home an Garden Event GmbH, war for the 20-year anniversary of the Messe extra in Norddeutschland ...

Martin Schmidt, Geschätsführer of Home an Garden Event GmbH, war on the 20th anniversary of the Messe extra from Norddeutschland. Gemeinsam mit Bürgermeisterstellvertreterin Petra Herter and Schlossverwalterin Birgit Rückert (from left) are the diesjährige Messe. | Image: Baur, Martin

Schreiner Michael Stehle does not want to answer

The henchmen who find this, are belligerent, when the Neufracher Schreiner Michael Stehle begins, it is first in the letter Sekunde a lie. The Eröffnungstag meinte er: “Tomorrow morning at 7 o’clock it has not happened yet, I will not come. ” One of the organizers, who knows his year, has in the longer and more anger had, where they are now. Stehle offers handicrafts, streamlined garden machines and schaukels. “Davon has never had a rich, on the house and garden, that a small schaukel has sold – after the last new prospects have started in January and February, he will go to Eastern Europe to sell or sell. “

Bürgermeisterstellvertrteterin Petra Herter with Schreiner Michael Stehle on a sailor Schaukeln.

Bürgermeisterstellvertrteterin Petra Herter with Schreiner Michael Stehle on a sailor Schaukeln. | Image: Baur, Martin

It could be interesting


Nächste Woche starts with the House and Garden: Das müssen Besucher clear

End of house and garden in the year 2020. Gerhard Plessing, Photographer and Pilot, first this picture. The pagoda sea of ​​the ...

Gastro-angebot hat has walked grimly

Gastronomy has not been so difficult in recent years, describes Martin Schmidt. “Those wonderful Angebote, who are our brothers and sisters, since we are proud to have had good Antwerp foundations.” Black since the times, in the local Spitzenköche whom Clemens Bader auftischten, longest vorbei. Although it is never the case that hunger and thirst suffer – when you see Pina Colada Hüttenbar, you will recognize the beeindruckenden Vorräten and fresh Pineapple.

Wasserspiele für Draußen, here combined with Blumenarrangements.

Wasserspiele für Draußen, here combined with Blumenarrangements. | Image: Baur, Martin

There are many Wohlbekanntes that Waffeln can dominate: Tola Cudek from Bodnegg has been in Salem for the past year, this small company is the Bubble-Waffel with Apfelmus and Blauberen on two stands. There are many other businesses that are working on their direct debit. „That is the right thing for the first day.“ Am Freitag is richtig los en der Haupttag sei immer der Samstag.

Waffelbäckerin Tola Cudek is fried with the Umsatz in the first Messetag, the Donnerstag. Aus Erfahrung rechnet sie für Samstag mit ...

Waffelbäckerin Tola Cudek is fried with the Umsatz in the first Messetag, the Donnerstag. Aus Erfahrung rechnet sie für Samstag mit dem großten Ansturm. | Image: Baur, Martin

Classic single-handedness has become obsolete

A change that represents all joint interactions: “The classic single trade is in a new form, but it is also a change for the Corona period,” Martin Schmidt describes in his Openingsansprache. If the Aussteller has become international – ‘nicht is here in Lake Constance, we are traditionally border region, but we are living here in eight European countries, that has been the case for 20 years.’

The interest of Pfeffer in Cambodia is the largest. Manfred Held buys Gewürz, which can be obtained from a small farm and that ...

The interest of Pfeffer in Cambodia is the largest. Manfred Held buys Gewürz, which can be grown on a small farm and which will be under aromatic seasoning. | Image: Baur, Martin

Stattdessen since those Hotels zurückgekehrt. “We will be happy to report back to this country, since we have lived in three cities, and have had a positive relationship with our Eastern Region with 40 houses,” says Sylvia Rabe. Anna Krall takes a look at the ranking of the Gruppe’s family wellness hotels, with the best Alpine wellness hotels coming in second. Der Warther Hof vom Arlberg und das Stock Resort in Zillertal, voor de Barbara Mitterer in Salem.

Anna Krall (left) represents 40 family “Best Alpine Wellness Hotels” in Österreich. Who Barbara Mitterer vom Stock Resort ...

Anna Krall (left) represents 40 family “Best Alpine Wellness Hotels” in Österreich. Barbara Mitterer from Stock Resort comes to the Zillertal. | Image: Baur, Martin

Petra Herter vertritt Bürgermeister Manfred Härle

In Vertretung von Bürgermeister Manfred Härlebte Gemeinderätin Petra Herter aine Premiere: “I would have been happy with my first life as a Bürgermeisterstellvertreterin, but I would have loved to have a good relationship with it”, said that the Messe was “a beautiful presentation” and would be appreciated Ausstellern four tolle Tage with good Geschäften.

Garden lamps with an oriental touch are a classic – they will be a pleasure for years to come in your home and garden.

Garden lamps with an oriental touch are a classic – they are a pleasure for years in the house and garden. | Image: Baur, Martin

Cultural education with Schlossverwalterin Birgit Rückert

As Hausherrin, Schlossverwalterin Birgit Rückert thanked the Gemeinde for that Unterstützung. “Seit 20 years we will be here in a beautiful Rabatz – of the Open Air Concert for the Home and Garden during the Kreisfamilienfest, we will have a wonderful holiday during the year.” Then we would have the knowledge of this matter in our hands and achieve a successful Kurzlektion in Regional and Monastery history. If you explore the 20th anniversary year with the 1300 years of age of the Reichenau Monastery Island and describe the monastery as ‘Brutstätten der Kultur’, there is no Scripture and religion in the Landschafts- and Gartenbau history, such as the entire Teil der Home and Garden since.

Schlossverwalterin Birgit Rückert welcomed the guests at the Opening of the Cultural Heritage of the Klöster.

Schlossverwalterin Birgit Rückert welcomed the guests at the Opening of the Cultural Heritage of the Klöster. | Image: Baur, Martin

“For 20 years we will be here in beautiful Rabatz.”

Birgit Rückert, Schlossverwalterin, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten

Rückert might with one of his favorite Wahlafried Strabo can make a recitation of the legend, in the hexameter that “Hortulus” created. The next kid: Verschmitzt erklärte sie, first in de vorangegangen Nacht has een Pergamentblatt des prophetische Strabo-gefunden – je Begrüßung in self-made hexametern. The verse ends: “… the Frieden im Namen die Stätte hier trägt Salmannsweil oder the Himmlische Salem, versmmelt sich alljährlich der Pilger fröhliche Schar, the Beauty of Art and the Gardens zu feiern, in Muße den Himmlischen Ort and the Früchte der Arbeit zu geniuses.”

It could be interesting


Working at Salem Palace: Who is the fine British Life for the Füße gibt

The English manufacturer from a small factory in Northampton in the East Midlands is an exclusive production, the man is ...

Silvia Göres from Bad Saulgau with her poodle lady Tessa, who would spend a year like this on a Hundematte, whoever Constanze ...

Silvia Göres from Bad Saulgau with her poodle lady Tessa, who would sit on a Hundematte for a year, which Constanze Frank chose. | Image: Baur, Martin

Discussion: The Home and Garden is a dog-friendly fair. “That comes very well”, says Sylvia Rabe from the Event-GmbH. If you don’t see eight or eight women anymore, then there is no talk of an exhibition piece or Stand pinkeln, then my second four-legged friend, here your müssen is marked. Tessa aber weiß, was sich gehört. The Pudeldame, “our little Princess”, who is Silvia Göres, is elegant on one of the orthopedic dog covers of Konstanze Frank from “Darling Little Place” from Stutensee. The fact that Tessa is in the family, is a year ago and the Göres family from Bad Saulgau has become a state of affairs, a message that Tessa still does not lie. When you are brutal with an investigation, the problem of the problem and the power of the Schwester comes through so hard that Kissen is absent.