
The 2024 election robbery continues

The 2024 election robbery continues

The 2024 election robbery continues

The 2024 election robbery continues

Democrats in Arizona, in power by a stolen election, refuse to remove immigrant invaders from the voter rolls. A private organization has filed a lawsuit against all 15 counties in Arizona that allow illegal aliens to vote.

Wake up Americans. You are eliminating yourselves with your own nonchalance.

A corrupt Democratic court in Pennsylvania has barred enforcement of a state law requiring mail-in ballots to be properly filled out and dated. The Republican National Committee has filed a petition with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court seeking to protect the integrity of the election.

The Democrats have made it perfectly clear that the very last thing they will allow is a fair election. The unsuspecting American public allowed the Democrats to steal the last two national elections, so now the Democrats consider election fraud to be their right, as established by precedent. The American public was too stupid to see the precedent they allowed the Democrats to set. It is extraordinary that Americans were satisfied with the cry of the press, “No election fraud, no election fraud.”