
Would you be more interested in a “Reeperbahn privat”?

Would you be more interested in a “Reeperbahn privat”?

Quelle der Daten für diesen Article: all eyes on screens

Der Primetime-Verlauf: Ab auf die Reeperbahn

The highest Reichsweite in the entsprechenden Vodafone-Haushalten-rief “Wer wird Millionär?” am in the Thursday at 21:45 ready. Then take the interest off. So it is wise to know that “RTL Direkt” is an Abschaltfaktor war. If the jauch quiz after the news is still carried out part of the time, it may be that more people come out. A general trend in the past at the fortschreiter time: Look at the ZDF-Talks, “Extra 3” or the end of “99” on Saturday 1 must I the Federn-lassen späten. Auffallend: Der Verlauf von “Reeperbahn private” von RTLzwei: Die Doku empty gegen 20:40 Uhr kurzzzeitig ungewöhnlich zu, was wohl daran, zu dieser gleich more Konkurrenzprogramme, darunter auch RTL, in der Werbung were.

© All eyes on screens

Der Vorabend-Verlauf: First RTL, then ZDF

You have to admit that RTL “Aktuell” is no longer at the start, but then a few minutes later than 19 o’clock German will be. The pas is the break of the ZDF to direct the “heute”. With the start of the ZDF main mail broadcast it can be some human way of “RTL Aktuell”.

© All eyes on screens

What does All Eyes on Screens Curves mean: It is no different if the AGF-Zahlen has no population representative. There are also no more heavy and high dimensioned panels, but the tatsächlich geessenen are on a million of installed 13 million Vodafone homes in use. More background information on this data is here. Benefit data can be used if the height of the Reichsweitenkurven is changed as the internal transmitters and the known recognition of the transmitters.

Daily Reach from TV providers

The daily reach allows Vodafone TV Haushalte products to reach the advertising and sponsorship positions of a marketer – also a daily net reach.

© All eyes on screens

Werbe ranking: Penny überholt Netto

Kaum Movement in the Top4: Dr. Oetker continues to lead the XRP charts, Amazon and McDonalds can enter the market last time. Ferrero’s Children’s Campaign blew up the Four. New Five is the Always Campaign, which has such positional power. I’m at Discounter Races, which Netto has taken out of the Top15, new on the Zwölf is the Konkurrent Penny.

© All eyes on screens

All Eyes on Screens proposes the ranking of a list that is displayed on the German TV websites, and admits that those in the summer erzielte Reichsweite are for a brand in the gemessene Vodafone-Haushalten. This is the secondary Reichsweit-statt of the two branches of the Werbeinselreichweite as Grundlage-target, where All Eyes on Screens of XRP (Exact Rating Points) is displayed. If it is a gross-reichsweide trade, the einzel-reichsweide will leave the Ausstrahlung. Zur Veranschaulichung: Läuft een Spot zehn Mal en erreicht dabei jeweils fünf Prozent der messenen Vodafone-Haushalte, ergibt das voor de gesamten Tag 50 XRP – auch wenn es immer die gleichen fünf Prozent gewesen.