
Philip Morris GmbH just announced its commitment to the Power for Democracy Award

Philip Morris GmbH just announced its commitment to the Power for Democracy Award

Graffing (ots) –

Philip Morris GmbH has taken the initiative for the initiative of the Mitte der Gesellschaft with the prize “Power for Democracy” ( c&sdata=KYqXC7% 2FsFC75dIdE%2F2PyNEm8m9OXX5CexngWJ5pbF1Q%3D&reserved=0)” if it is good for democracy, the world is freer and a lot better as a result. Am 17. October 2024 nehmen in Berlin Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Dresdner Aktion Zivilcourage eV (“Gesprächsbereit Dresden”), the Stuttgarter Vereins Kubus eV (“Schalom und Salam”) as well as the Berliner Max Steinbeis Verfassungsblog gGmbH (“Verfassungsblog – Thüringen Projekt”) with the payment of 20,000 Euro dotierten Preis für außergewöhnliches zvilgesellschaftliches Engagement entgegen .

Torsten Albig, Managing Director of Philip Morris GmbH: “Visible commitment is one of the most important objectives of the company’s mission. If a company has won part of the Gesellschaft en wollen met unserem Award ‘Power for Democracy’, this is an initiative of the American community in Germany. The commitment of the preisträger initiative ‘Gesprächsbereit Dresden’, ‘Schalom und Salam’ and ‘Verfassungsblog – Thüringen Projekt’ is active for a more solidary and solidary organization in the company. make also Mut – that a happy and respectful Miteinander continues to harken to our and our country.”

Based on the Preisträgerinitiativen von einer unabhängigen Jury, der Stephan Grünewald (Psychologist, Gründer des rheingold Instituts), Sham Jaff (Journalistin, whlw newsletter), Dr. Leonard Novy (Journalist, Director of the Institutes for Media and Communication Politics), Prof. Dr. Andrea Römmele (Politikwissenschaftlerin, Hertie School of Governance) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Quent (Soziologist, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal) angehören. Reviewed by the Jury in consideration of the development of the Dialog, which is a special brand of the Sieger Initiatives: “All three projects are considered with their own views, the polarization in the community and a parallel approach – ‘to be discussed’ .Make sure you sensitizes the democratic institutions and the note of another analysis of the political systems in the business world and journalism intend to use the American initiative of the creative power of the Zivilgesellschaft in business and democratic Miteinander.”

The initiatives of the president:

Discussions Dresden (Aktion Zivilcourage eV), Dresden

The initiative “Gespraächsbereit Dresden” of Aktion Zivilcourage eVbringt Menschen in der Saxon Landeshauptstadt miteinander in Dialog. The elaboration of the soil cultivation activities is a matter of time for the project of Austausch in the implementation, even if the starting position is changed. The initiative is a group that deals with a “silodarität” in a gesamtgesellschaftliche solidarity for the future.

Schalom und Salam (Kubus eV), Stuttgart

The project “Schalom und Salam” of the Stuttgarter Vereins Kubus eV is a service for Jewish-Muslim Dialogues and a very abstract political vision in the area of ​​concrete, practical concepts. The soul of the official project is the abdication of anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim racism in our society. Here you can show the young Macher with unnoticed biographies and discover that there are more and more images, specific forms of group size that people recognize and live their daily lives.

Verfassungsblog – Thüringen Projekt (Max Steinbeis Verfassungsblog gGmbH), Berlin

I am “Verfassungsblog – Thuringia Project” of Max Steinbeis Verfassungsblog gGmbH says Science Haltung. On a higher level of legal science level, the project is followed by an authoritarian-populist force for the Verfassung and rule of law in Thuringia. If this intervention takes place, a hinge investigation is done on the reality and the reality of the purchase and new handlungs by eröffnen.

Bishige Preisträger und Schwerpunkte

In the annual awards ceremony of the “Power for Democracy” Award, four initiatives are presented: In the first round of the prize, an “Augen auf eV – Zivilcourage Zeigen” (Upper Lusatia) and “HateAid gGmbH – Beratungsstelle gegen digital Gewalt” (Berlin ) . As pre-initiatives of both countries, we have been involved in the “CeMAS – Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy” (Berlin) and in the web documentation “Gegen uns. Betroffene im Gespräch über Recht Gewalt nach 1990 und die Verteidigung der solidarische Gesellschaft” (Berlin/Dresden) two initiatives In the middle point, make sure you are working in the digital Raum.

Gesellschaftspolitical Engagement der Philip Morris GmbH

The “Power for Democracy” award ( 2bc%7C0%7C0%7C638612104156317260%7COnbekend%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Z2bl3 ng4qUWxJxHe78ozXOoCWG6YcRckZtui8HGyuGA%3D&reserved=0)” is very suitable for the best political cooperation of Philip Morris GmbH. If you want to study “Who wants to do”, make a design of a design study and give an impetus to the gesellschaft that is dear to the prize “The Power of the Arts” ( 4068ac319a6b5cc 52bc%7C0%7C0%7C638612104156335643%7COnbekend%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=42 v6Cup5iXxA2%2BdeU6OjJh7EquM7W6ePZHqUXEMq30Q%3D&reserved=0)”, with the reusable arts and culture projects that have been carried out, are an offense and an integrated enterprise.

Press contact:

Philip Morris GmbH
Power for democracy
Phone: +49 89 7247 1884
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Philip Morris GmbH, added to the news
Original report: