
HSG Xentis: Jugendhandbaltage und Sponsoringvertrag mit Stoelzle

HSG Xentis: Jugendhandbaltage und Sponsoringvertrag mit Stoelzle

In Köflach the international youth handball match of HSG Xentis Lipizzanerheim was led over the Bühne and Stoelzle. Oberglas wanted his sponsorship for the youth of the Vereins.

KÖFLACH. We will meet in the near future with both international players U14 youth handball days of the HSG Xentis Lipizzaner home in the Sporthalle Köflach aufeinander. GRK Varaždin from Croatia, RK Sviš from Slowenien, Handball Mödling (kurzfristig eingesprungen) and the HC Fivers from Wien became the HSG September 7th and 8th in the Halle Stehen and a Medaillen kampfen. “Solche internationalen Turniere since – and the white is ich from Erfahrung – enormous weight, um Erfahrung zu samemmeln. Genau so a Turnier wollen wir here zu Hause bieten”, erklärt Trainer Noël Pausits.

Obmann-Stv. Christian Glaser, Stoelzle-Werksleiter Wilfried Lenk and representative Otto Kresch | Photo: Schrapf

Where is the quality located?

Because Turnier was so high in quality, it became a minor obstacle to stop everything in its tracks. The way in which Obmann-Stv. Christian Glasser verrät. So it is a fierce annual handball model of the only sport, which is one of the reasons that Turniere took over from HSG Xentis. Played with both tags and jewels with fun playing pro tag. The Jeder Verein also organizes four games. Am Sonntag then finds the large Siegerehrung-statt.

Playing schedule on the weekend

Saturday September 7:
11am – HSG Xentis vs. RK Svis
12.30 – Handball Mödling vs. HC Fivers
14 Uhr – RK Sviš vs. GRK Varaždin
3:30 PM – HSG Xentis vs. Handball Mödling
17 Uhr – GRK Varaždin vs. HC Fivers

Sunday September 8th:
9 Uhr – HSG Xentis vs. GRK Varaždin
10:30 – RK Sviš vs. Handball Mödling
12 hours – HSG Xentis vs HC Fivers
13:30 – GRK Varaždin vs. Handball Mödling
3 p.m. – RK Sviš vs. HC Fivers

Vertragsverlängerung mit Stoelzle

During the period when the Youth Sponsorship Delay of Stoelzle Oberglas took place for the Association, the year 2017/18 was gilded, weitergeführt was continued. Wilfried Lenk remove the Vertrag in the Beisein des Vereinsvorstands. “I’m a rock, that’s because the sponsorship of the Handball Youth will last forever,” says Lenk. A grateful way to use the Vereinsvorstand and the Kresch Family for good care.

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Team building event with the HSG Xentis staff

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