
Who comes from the “Job-Turbo” in the East Coast in Rollen

Who comes from the “Job-Turbo” in the East Coast in Rollen

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Who comes from the “Job-Turbo” in the East Coast in Rollen
Einrichtungsleiterin Isabell Offenbach (left) and Nataliia Pakhomenkova from Ukraine. The gelernte Lehrerin fühlt sich mit ihrer Familie would have founded a race Anschluss and Anstellung. Photo: Landratsamt Ostalbkreis © Landratsamt Ostalbkreis

In October 2023, I started the Bund das Programm „Job-Turbo“ with the aim of destroying the Soul, Geflüchtete Schneller in the Arbeitsmarkt. When you clap, say a beispiel to Rosenberg.

Rosenberg. Pflege mit Hindernissen: The study of Lehrerin and Biologin Natalia Pakhomenkova from the Ukraine comb with rudimentary statements and ohne Ausbildung in Bereich Pflege in the Einrichtung in Rosenberg.

With the educational programs, the non-verbal communication, Mut and Empathy stood out in the Ukraine in the inner kürzester Zeit de Einrichtungsleitung, Isabell Offenbach, the Kollegen and above all the Bewohner der Pflegeeinrichtung. “Ausschlaggebend ist, dass man in Kommunikation treten kann. Menschliche Kompetenzen since das Wichtigste in diesem Beruf“, so Offenbach. Of course, communication with the Anfang has become a holistic issue, as the team has mixed together, and the Entwicklung of the German Sprache – for everything from the Fachwörter in Bereich Pflege – went so quickly.

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Motivation overrated

The Ukrainian woman in her fifties fled in March 2022 after the capitulation of her hometowns with her three daughters to Germany. Her husband, a boatman, has decided to enter the time point in Ausland and make a trip with the family of the blessings after their blessing instruction. When one of the two students goes to work in North Germany, the young daughter of the school in Rosenberg is visited and a tour guide from the Medical College fortified, the Ukrainian learns the German basic knowledge in the language course and makes sure that they are in the care foundation. “I want to try a little. I have had the feeling that I have grown up with the human equipment and now with seniors, I was very happy”, so the three-faced mumbles.

Since Summer 2023, you will be working in full time and at the same time you will be working every day in Germany in your future.

If you “Lehrerin” back in another situation, it is not possible for the Ukraine to close. If the point in time is so important now, it is clear that your description of the description and its representation will lead in the direction of your life. Once over: Die Ukrainianin, in his Mann and his young years, wanted to go to Rosenberg.

The craftsman mangle lindern

E-inrichtungsleiterin Offenbach rät Arbeitgebern zu Mut bei der Einstellung von Menschen mit ausbaufähigen Sprachkenntnissen. “Of course it is a challenge to find out more about the Mitarbeiterinnen. Motivation is one of the best results,” he says.

Make sure that the interests of the company are addressed, ask to think and take a new path. The diaconal Altenhilfeträger “Dienste für Menschen”, at the Pflegestift Rosenberg gehort, offers his competent language course for professional support. Online you can view your German knowledge of the various needs, treatments or medical devices online and in detail. Darüber can provide the best results in carrying out the treatment and solving problems by the Mitarbeiter. If you once respond to the diaconie on the mangle and the factory work, you say about the integration, the integration and the fact that you can deal with it in a good way.

Interested Arbeitgeber, please inform one of the following contacts: Agentur für Arbeit Aalen, E-mail: [email protected], Telefon: (07361) 575280 or Jobcenter Ostalbkreis, E-mail: FKS@ostalbkreis. de, Phone: (07361) 9805252.