
A plan, a handy number and a lot of criticism: who the Kretschmers CDU and the BSW announce

A plan, a handy number and a lot of criticism: who the Kretschmers CDU and the BSW announce

The day, and the heir of Michael Kretschmer, as a CDU head of government, did not start any position of power, but started with the Hoffnung. “It must be a Saxon Union. If you are here in Saxony, you can no longer reinrijden. If we have found our own way, it is quickly flowing in the room, the films that we make, which have the form of September 1. Hand in Hand is then with the blessing of Frau Annett Hofmann. There are a few things you can do, if your symbol is displayed: green snakes and white shirts. Saxony.

Was Michael Kretschmer very light but not white: In that moment everything is not more than it will stop. Sabine Zimmermann, Saxon Spitzen candidate for the Federal Republic of Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) has just watched the news. A landtagswahl in Saxony is one of the most important things for the parteineugründung. It is an annoyance that the 70 members of the BSW national associations can participate in a political action by the Four Millions Bundeslanden. “I am very happy, because we have been so grim since we could bring changes in Sachsen,” said he was with his Stimmabgabe. You can do this right.

When the CDU-Führungsriege tritt the Wahlsonntags on the Bühne des Raums 600 in the Landtag, the guest in the überfüllten Saal has a brand-würdig Gefühl. Kretschmers Worte (“Liebe Freunde, wir haben all Grund zum Feiern. Die Menschen in Sachsen haben uns traut!”) Do not pass with the Faces of the Partei-Elite, who themselves are neben and hinter ihm in a Zweierreihe aufgebaut hat. Remember, you ratloos.

Michael Kretschmer is Wahlabend for the CDU Party

Michael Kretschmer is Wahlabend for the CDU Party
© SZ/Veit Hengst

And you can no longer travel to Wahlergebnis. So the CDU has a good chance that the AfD has not suffered a single blow in 2019. But a free chance to continue governing is not, in the coalition. If you watch on the TV channel, while the new Zahlen makes everything clear about power, Frau Zimmermann will not bother anymore. There is no partner who has governed a partner.

It is possible to make money. That SPD. The letztmögliche Option, the Wahlkämpfer Kretschmer is now no AfD and Linke, but also the Grünen categorical possibilities. The fact that it was quick to open the cup was not possible. Schwieriger is clean with his senses, was damn affected by the CDU decision. Statt Kenya with Greens and SPD is now a Bundnis with social democracy and a prominent former communist party. If you thank your wishes, read deutlich meer Zeit.

The beginning of the “Grizzly Bear Coalition” would first go around. The name sounds cheerful, the problem that occurs, is no more and never. He came across Michael Kretschmer die Stunden später zijn spüren, as being the Montagfrüh on the Road to Berlin power. The Konrad-Adenauer-Haus is the obligatory Blumenstrauß of the Bundespartei. Most things are fun. A Wahlsieg for the AfD.

Broader stand can form a coalition with the BSW that is fast

It is now a lob nach außen. Intern stehen die Kritiker nicht nur in Berlin längst Schlange. A Gruppe has mobilized an influential CDU politician through the Bundesweit: Keine Zusammenarbeit met dem BSW. Not yet, not in Saxony or Thuringia, not at all. It is a matter of party friends, which is not taken into account. Whether it is no longer woolen, the Brandmauern of the AfD in the Bundesländern can no longer die in Saxony. Der Wahlsieger from Dresden must have been immersed in quite an experience. Auch auf der anschließenden Pressekonferenz. Es prasseln Fragen. Aus Berliner Sicht und über Berliner Probleme. It is a heiß and Kretschmers Blumenstrauß on the Rückfahrt sicher schnell verwelkt.

But the day is not over yet. If you are on the right track with the CDU provincial leader, you will first get the low price. And it is no longer bad. Saxony’s Prime Minister and CDU provincial leader still has a service car from the new order: No media. The own statements for the sitting press statements were carried out as well as possible.

The SPD has not caused any more problems for the CDU

Möglicherweise a good Entscheidung. Those two members in the 20-member CDU-Landesvorstand are very fast, but not harmonious. Michael Kretschmer reports erneut. Diesmal nicht vom Podium aus, sondern am Tisch sitzend auf Augenhöhe. And it is a plötzliche Euphorie, son of more Demut. Irgendwann spricht is dan in de Runde or offen aus: Man müsse nun wohl de Others Gespräche anbieten. Aber bitte alles erstmal ganz kleine halten. Those Others. Gemeint is nothing more than BSW. The SPD has not caused any problems for the CDU striker.

Der Parteichef is one step further. The last sollten are now self-aware and of the CDU factions that are in the Landtag, Christian Hartmann, who is the Generalsekretär of the Landespartei, Alexander Dierks, schauen, who man contacts. Das bedeutet offenbar, Frau Zimmermann, hört demnächst von dat Trio. Was auch ever dabei and danach folgt. Michael Kretschmer said he came up with the theme for that time. “Oder sieht das Jemand else?” Was it a long-serving CDU parliamentarian from Upper Lusatia who had done that. “These Communists!” Be warned, this will cost your support. Der Einwand der meisten Teilnehmer, es müsse aber eine Regierungsmehrheit her, wiegt stärker. Keiner stimulates the Kretschmers Vorschlag.

Service: Contact the contact person. Michael Kretschmer thought he would have enjoyed the cost of spending money and time for a day. It is worth the Hiobsbotschaften of Volkswagenkonzern, der mit Werkschließungen and Stellenabbau droht. In Saxony alone VW has three locations with 11,000 employees. Many people are now worried about their jobs. Kretschmer also celebrates the Free State while he is calling it the Autoland. Who long yet?

We read the criticism and the most common plants from the CDU and BSW in Saxony and Thuringia. Now I am one of the current Koalitions partners. Through social media, Sachsen’s Environment Minister and ever-so-stelvertretender Prime Minister, Wolfgang Günther von den Grünen: That’s a powerful man! “The Eheleute Lafontaine-Wagenknecht was first the SPD zerstört, and then the Left. What about the CDU?’

An example of a Kretschmer, of the Spitzengrünen, who has a Hilferuf in its own Sache. Sabine Zimmermann has helped journalists from the free press, which is a long handy number with Michael Kretschmer extended hat. Nor for der Wahl. Zimmermann told the journalists: “We will not report anything.” A diesem tag is a matter of both sides.

With “TrippelschRITs” forwardsgehen

Am Mittwoch ist dafür auch kaum Zeit. Kretschmer is extremely fragile – as Prime Minister, as Abgeordneter and CDU Landesvorsitzender. In the 10 o’clock meeting of the CDU parliamentary faction there is a foursome in spaet. Term. Wieder speaks for the Abgeordneten about the Landtagswahl and about the BSW. Man muse nun in „TrippelschRITen“ beforewärtsgehen. Entschieden will be aber everything in Saxony and not in Konrad-Adenauer-Haus, versichert there. Under the rule of the Fraktionsvorsitzenden Christian Hartmann, the Wiederwahl joined the Amt. Once you are interested, the interest in the CDU faction in the state government – if you get moving – is “kraftvoll vertritt”. Hartmann has obtained the best possible Faction Chief stimulation with 95 products. After the next press conference was concrete, it was the man spoke to the BSW and read that he could no longer start over.

Michael Kretschmer hat in the Augenblick donated a Teller in der Hand. Three CDU parliamentarians are the Minister of Justice Geert Mackenroth and the Episcopal country chairman of Andrea Dombois – a small Australian minister. It is a great prize for Thanksgiving. Look at ihm. Danach comes with the Kartoffelsuppe with Brokkoli. A günstiger Midday meal.

Minutes später schon die nächste Rede. The Prime Minister of Saxony is now in a nahen hotel and for Claus Weselsky, the chef of the German Lokführergewerkschaft. A Sachse. “We are grateful for our lives,” said Weselsky Respekt. “The changes made by the railway”, means Kretschmer jetzt for 1,000 guests from economics, politics and industry. Impressed would be his “more free and less state” swinging inheritance orderlich. Riesenbeifall. Even if Kretschmer the ex-Gewerkschaftsführer overbergibt a rostiges Schienenstück as Andenkibt. A secret, what you bought this hat for.

A German warning for the better coalition partner

Kretschmer does not know what the Doppel interview is, it is now the Leipziger Volkszeitung and the Sächsische Zeitung in the Landtagsbüro Gibt. Die Fragen – urgent. The response to a possible event of the BSW-Pakt was an initiative: There is a warning for all possible Koalitions partners that there is probably a problem with asking a question. „We come but not later, wenn jetzt jeder Partner Vorfestlegungen and rote Linien kommuniziert.“ A response to Erklärungen from BSW-Bundeschefin Sahra Wagenknecht, who is responsible for this self-evident Koalitionsgespräche. I don’t think you are calling the Saxon Kollegin Zimmermann. So it was a smaller Anfang. Indirect and überband.

And once more, once more. 13:30 is the CDU politician’s return to Parliament. Whoever has a fraction of the CDU faction. Those little warnings with the Abgeordneten are now in the last legislative period. Etliche von hehnen was in the coming days, when the new Landtag is constituted, lose his mandate. Political involvement is no different. It was a matter of time that the CDU prime minister would now govern his son and have that day zum exit der Landtagswahl with his hat.

Kretschmer stops with that little German kürzer. Why not too. The feeling of food could be so or so nothing. You can solve a problem by solving a problem. The Noch-Abgeordnete Ines Springer from the Wahlkreis Zwickau bitterly condemns herself. Prepared 2020 has helped the chef of the Saxon State Chancellery, Oliver Schenk (CDU), with the problem with Volkswagen hinged wheels. But nothing passes, for nothing. Springer therefore, that Schenk, the middle field as Europe headquarters in Brussels, should come back very nicely, one of the people in the region of his declares, was the EU that was for her and that for that important Arbeitgeber then became. Michael Kretschmer has done his best. The telephone of VW boss Oliver Blume has taken a long time. Most cases in the fall are caused by direct processing.

Then it must be a weder weg. Saxony’s head of government worked as governor Kim Kwang-Young from the South Korean province of Jeonbuk. It is a porcelain, water-material project and a culture. In the photo, the Kretschmer is together with his guest später on X time, also two of the South Korean national emblems in National Tracht. A bunter and more Anblick. The part is not removed from the BSW.

The following people see Michael Kretschmer in his office nearby. Great personal attention for the Wahl. It’s a shame. Kretschmer himself is also affected. Here everything is clear: the CDU Landtagsfraktion will be an official day for the Office of the Minister President nominate. I want a report to Frau Z. call.