
Ein Ami in Meissen: Wie geht’s Gary heute?

Meissen. Die Sonne brut über Bohnitzsch. A bad reason, after all, life is bad. If a Rollo is owned, it is runtergelassen. Gary and Mrs. Corina work together in their small 60-Quadratmeter-Wohnung. When the press starts with the two, it’s a bit hairy.

Gary Hohenstein has turned the article of the dams upside down. It dates from the year 2018. “Between New York and Meißen – a moving message of 9/11, bigger lies and another trick” is ​​in the Headline. The story ends with an Aufruf. Gary urgently sought a dolmen, to support him at the belongings. There are a number of German names, but no word spoke German.

Inspection of the 73-year history of our language. In general it is a mix of German and English with that typical Roll-Akzent, where the food is so soft that it sits on the lips. “I really appreciate the good life,” he says. Nur wen ältere zu schnell sprechen, wo possibile nor in Saxon, became manchmal kompliziert, sgt er.

Suche nach barrier-vrij Wohnung

Seine 19 Jahre jüngere Ehefrau is in the Stube – in Rollstuhl. That’s the shock absorber that’s causing this. Corina hates a Schlaganfall. The war lasted only 47 years alt. “If you can’t talk anymore, you can’t move,” there’s Gary. Sieben Monate war sie zur Reha in Kreischa. Heute spricht sie wieder, wenn auch langam. The house is not suitable for your bed. 24 Stufen with the Rollstuhl is not ohne. Gary said that two years ago he would enjoy barrier-free living in Meißen and the surrounding area. “Am best betreutes Wohnen – everything fully,” it says.

The History of Both began in the 1990s in New York. Gary is a cleaning lady, hereditary and how childish. There would be an Unfall noise. “At first I thought, it’s a Bullshit Call”, it is true. Solche Fake-Anrufe is often a problem, as you can see later. I’m playing Unfallort on Corina. An Achse car war has started, while VW has made a Baum-gefahren. Corina is now slightly lost. I’m Krankenwagen-muss Gary with his details. Dabei fiel ihm ihr deutscher Nachname auf: Grossmann. Gary hated ebenfalls deutsche Vorfahren. Sein Vater comes from Bremen. Geht man noch weiter zurück, landet man in Großenhain.

“I also asked my rescue vehicle for its phone number. So it wasn’t my son”, laughs one. It’s been two months since Gary found a Heart and left Corina. Both have been extended and became a couple. Gary died when he divorced his wife and inherited Corina in the year 1998.

FBI and Money Transporter ohne Ende

Corina came 1994 in the US. If you want to study the Forstwirtschaft in Tharandt, you can not find any anstellung here. In the state would have been a time on a Bauernhof, the north of New York. Although the power of Gary is a little bit, the concrete is illegal in the US for a year.

“Greencard – the war is a complicated theme. Corinas Antrag war verschwunden, en tauchte irgendwann in Texas wieder auf. Damals wurde das nicht so strongly maintained who heute. Man hat trotzdem a job, jedenfalls außerhalb of öffentlichen Verwaltung”, erzählt Gary. The time has come on September 11th. Corinas Antrag had to do something about it – with everything, it was great.

In case Tagen jährt sich der Terroranschlag zum 23. Mal. Gary was already 30 minutes from the World Trade Center destination. “The first flight has happened to me in the morning. I have never been happy, but it was a lot of trouble,” she remembers. For four months of war, Ground Zero serves as a health and safety security fighter in Einsatz. “Immer Nights zu Zwölf-Stunden-Schichten an den Wochenenden”, erzählt there. You can check the airspace warning with a special message. The Bergungs- und Aufräumarbeiten cannot be enough Staub-freigesetzt.

In the end, it was also a disaster, as night an FBI and police officer was present: “Who was destroyed, money and gold were transported, which were bunkered in the World Trade Tower. 20 Money transporter was on a ramp. Photography” The war in the region has not disappeared, but no photos have been taken yet.

Greencard Odyssey Destined

In the middle of the 2000s, Corina received the Greencard. She is a Park Ranger. The job got into trouble and survived his training. The position in public service is well paid. After the financial crisis of 2008, the American hand was spared. One of two Park Ranger positions is established. Corina looks at her colleagues on the job. She is working in Königsbrück, Germany. Gary told us last time that there was a chance. Follow the next steps: Introduction meeting and working agreement.

It has been a month since life in the US has ended its bringing. Corina discussed in Germany the professional school for an education in the medical field. You can appeal to a doctor’s practice – to your Schlaganfall. Gary is not in Rentenalter, kommt kaum Geld. Both live several months with Corinas Eltern in Meißen. He saw Gary rent more in the US. Man comes over the Runden. A bank account in the Übersee has never been so good. An American credit card – of course. Damit becommt is drei Prozent Rabatt when shopping, sogar im Kaufland. If the card payment in Germany is along the vormarsch, there is a woolly registration.

The German Staatsbürgerschaft is one of the beans. “Then the American citizenship abergeben müssen. That’s ich nicht,” he said. Man wisse schließlich nicht, was Putin nor vorhabe, fügt er hinzu. Jedenfalls became Gary as an American citizen in November during the Präsidentschaftswahl-mitmachen.

Trump or Harris?

Hopefully, his selections will be received at the end of September – by mail. Gary would choose Trump. Why, it’s a fact. “I lived in Delaware in the 70s. The Biden war fell a few years ago by the US senator for the Bundesstaat war. At that time, a fragmented war was won, and that war was better,” said Gary.

And Kamala Harris? “They were the last three years of their lives. Was the man present in this time? Not so. It was a matter of time, and it was a great show changed. That is unglaubwürdig,” said the 73-Jährige. And was it with Trump? “There is no complete power. There is no political establishment,” says Gary.

The man who has experienced life is a woman who is glücklich, all herausforderungen. Fragmented after the things that fell in Germany are the Krankenversicherungsystem and the first Stelle. “The German beer is good and pricey,” he laughs. Below is the Fleischer. “Den kenne ich nur noch aus meiner Kindheit in den Staaten”, erzählt erzählt.

When the conversation turns to the (new) Freundschaften, it is a bit sad. The couple is now spending most of their time in the small garden in their new world of well-being. “It’s no big deal,” Gary said. Früher, in the Heimat, has met a man with Leuten im Hof ​​​​on a beer and the grill angeschmissen, erzählt there.