
Stade/Brunsbüttel: Spy-Drohnen über der Elbe?

Stade/Brunsbüttel: Spy-Drohnen über der Elbe?

There is no industrial area in Brunsbüttel, but it can happen that the city is affected by its situation. The State Attorney’s Office is forced to resign.

So whoever is an über an Industriegebiet in Brunsbüttel can no longer become an über an Industriegebiet in the Stade stadium. There are “suspicious festivities with the light of the sky in the sky”, the “von Flugobjekten” tribes can have a Sprecherin de Niedersächsische inner ministries with.

An art from Flugobjekten is a trade that is neither wrong. This is the report from the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. Roads were made possible by the Luftverkehrsgesetz, which was a Polizeisprecherin. The Staatsanwaltschaft Stade übernahm de Ermittlungen.

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Drohnenflüge in Schleswig-Holstein on Anfang August

The Drohnenflüge in Schleswig-Holsteinischen Brunsbüttel sollen Anfang August über dem ChemCoast Park began haben. Immediately then lie about an LNG terminal and a still alloyed nuclear power plant. Laut “Spiegel” since August 8 in more nights during the four Drohnen over the Gelände aufgetaucht.

The state protection laws of Flensburg lead to a problem with the suspicion of agents in the area of ​​sabotage schemes. The ministries are prescribing the new rules in the Australian government bonds, especially with Schleswig-Holstein.

Keine Auffälligkeiten während des Besuchs von Steinmeier

Stade lies etwa 40 Kilometer Luftlinie von Brunsbüttel entfernt. On the end of June the first construction of German LNG import terminals and land started. The Kernkraftwerk in Stade war 2003 außer Betrieb be taken.

A connection is built from the time and direction of the situation in Brunsbüttel, not from the time, but the Ministeriumssprecherin. The flights in the stadium have fallen since Mitte August. Relevant employees in the stadium are becoming more sensitive. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is averse to the Donnerstag of the Stader Chemiewerk Dow Chemical besucht. If the interests of the airline are not noticed, the police can do this.

Staatssekretärin spricht von Verwechslung – aber nicht in alle Fällen

Schleswig-Holstein’s Innenstaatsekretärin Magdalena Finke hatte am Mittwoch in Innen- und Rechtsausschuss des Kieler Landtages gesagt, dass es sich bei a Mehrheit der mutmaßlichen Drohnenüberflüge über Brunsbüttel a Verwechslungen trade.

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It is a fact that one of the few waterfalls is a Flugzeuge, Hubschrauber, Satelliten, Beleuchtung or Himmelskörper. It is a fact that a fall has occurred, while it is not possible for the Drohnen Bauart and Herkunft to go over the industrial area. (dpa/mp)