
War Day in Kiev: There are streaming tips for the week

War Day in Kiev: There are streaming tips for the week

WOW accompanies Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko in the warsalltag, Prime Video starts a new real estate reality show in Dubai. Which streaming highlights you haven’t seen yet are not visible.

If Leonid BreschnewChief of State of the Soviet Union, 1982, little of the small ones Vitali Klitschko two weeks long. Der elfjährige Sohn a strong communist thinking Berufsoldaten, thought damals, who American were now ready to leave the country. Die American were the enemy. If you read something else, you think that the Doku “Klitschko – The best camp” is at WOW. Was WOW, Prime video and Co. in the vicinity of Tagen noch zu bieten haben, foutahren Sie in der Übersicht.

“Klitschko – Der härteste Kampf” – WOW

The 99-minute documentary film “Klitschko – Der härteste Kampf” (ca. 13. September at Sky and WOW) is an intimate portrait of Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko. The Scottish Oscar winner Kevin McDonald (“Ein Tag im September”) received the Alltag from the ehemaligen Box-Weltmeisters of Anbeginn des Krieges bis heute. There is a Alltag that the chainangriffs, the Regie van een Großstadt in de Ausnahmezustand und Mantra-artiger Medienarbeit von früh bis spät. Dazwischen will de Verdingenheit von Vitali Klitschko and four year old Bruder Vladimir erzählt. If it is so, Ukrainians and Russians are both Völker in ihrem Blut. The muttering originates from Siberia, about a nice war during the Ukrainian war. There is “diente” in Tschernobyl and the war has become stronger, who the Boxweltmeister Vitali and Vladimir i am Interview so-called. Natürlich jene Art von Strenge, die einem – im Rückblick – Disziplin beibrachte.

McDonald in the Auftrag von Sky een filmmacht, der Vitali Klitschko from the beginning of the Russian autumn in the year 2022 to the moment when the camp lasts long and lasts longer. Man sees in the front a zerbombten Hochhäusern in KievThe fight against Western politics should promote the Media-Schalten and the fight against Western politics, which play a major role for Ukraine. That is interesting, we will look at the criticism with a new perspective. Klitschko’s work is a permanent manager, under chronic Ermüdung a bone job is lost. Natalia Yegorovahistorical Natalia Klitschkoi speak Interview where, who is his ex-husband, by the war change. Watch how sons Yegor-Daniel and Max speak in front of the room.

“Dream Deals” – Prime Video

Via “Der Mallorca Makler” on RTL+ or “Selling Sunset” on Netflix: Real estate reality shows are often available on the German streaming market. After 2021 at Prime video Started series “Luxury Listings Sydney” available on the streaming service Amazon Now with another title after: “Dream Deals” (starting from September 13) for the million-dollar Immbolienmarkt in Dubai.

The “Celebrity Hunterin” Valeria Löwen, the “Newcomerin” Louisa Wagner, the “Überfliegerin” Sarah Wessendorf and the “Underdog” Edwin Quietzsch all descend from Germany. With individual talents and one or more other Intrigue setzen sie alles, another good deal for your company “fäm property” abzuschließen and ich the luxurious atmosphere of Dubai so erüllen. The answer to the question is now one of the many obstacles, on the Makler steps, the next time: We are not entitled to purchase, a deal is abzuschließen, but seine Suitcase to pack.

“Against all gods – Die Glaubens-WG” – ZDFmediathek

Was passionert, als mens unterschiedlicher glaubensrichtungen in een WG jijsammenleben? Für sechs Tage wait das ZDF dieses Experiment: Unter dem Titel “Against all gods” (sechs Folgen, ab 13. SeptemberZDFmediathek) meets a Jew, a Muslim, a Catholic, a Buddhist, a Hindu and a non-believer in a “Glaubens-WG” aufeinander. Ziel ist es, herauszubekommen, “was trennt en eint – and a thorough awakening with false clichés and parts”. Could it even be a good prince, in which religions perhaps no longer exist? “Against All Gods” is an answer to these fragments. A high-level image of a format, which includes a reality TV classic with “Big Brother”: Various characters with uninteresting views who come together in an English way, were accompanied by the room and more small herausvorderungen mastern.

A religion also “Big Brother”? No, turn on the Macher. “The Glaubens-WG is not a legal act, and it is no longer possible to make a film.” There are now no comrades, no voice and no Wahl. “There is an authentic declaration of authenticity Rear view. “Read about those occupants and occupants in their own place, because of their orientation: “People are alone with and without additional reasons.” Whoever lives in a real WG, will be able to rely on these occupants in this environment – regularly so they are – “Safe Space” auch Gast, darunter de Journalist und True-Crime-Podcasterin Sabine RugertModerator Maria Popov and Green Politician Jurgen Trittin.

“Concordia – Tödliche Utopia” – ZDFmediathek

The international ZDF series “Concordia” (sechs Folgen, ab 14. SeptemberZDFmediathek) erzählt von een Schwedischen Modellstadt, in der Verbrechen ausgestorben since – weil sich all Bewohner lückenlos überwachen lassen. 20 years of existence of city gründerin Juliane Ericksen (Christian Paul) entwickelte Konzept bereits en soll nun in the fictional Saxon Stadt Kopwitz under Bürgermeisterin Hanna Bremer (Karoline Eichhorn) became über names. Then aber happens a Mord and der Stadtgrenze Concordias. Exactly where you are. A young analyst from the Überwachungs-KI Concordia’s is Erwisch.

In England, Krisen’s manager Thea Ryan (Ruth Bradley) ended up in the fall. Julianes Sohn Noah (Steven Sowah) and Isabelle Larsson (Nanna Blondell), died in Unity The consequences of the excess can be such that the external emissaries are lost. If it no longer works, a Mord has burned out. Also the concept Unity soll were shot. A concept, that is not known. Offenbar will die radical Datenschützer-Gruppe “The Faceless”, die vom mysteriösen Leon (Jonas Nee) is controlled, Unity to damage.

Here is “Game Of Thrones” producer Frank Doelger – for ZDF the major project has become “Der Schwarm” – with a hint of Near-Future-Stoff. The production is in English Sprache with international Ensemble, weshalb sich deutsche Darstellerinnen en Darsteller wie Christian Paul and Jonas Nee must synchronize itself. The material is exciting and relevant.