
Trump’s Misguided Reconciliation: Risks to Alphabet and Their Action | 07.09.24

Trump’s Misguided Reconciliation: Risks to Alphabet and Their Action | 07.09.24

• Trumps flee Monetary policy and possibly the following pages for the alphabet
• Saddened during the washing of the groups
• Analyst estimates for Alphabet-Aktie

Trump’s Possible Wiederwahl: Gefahr für Alphabet?

Donald TrumpThe US President said he had seen his mittens in Wahlkampf. The wiederwahl can use another version of the US-Tech-Giganten-alphabet. In the last years that it has been like this, the policy of the Konzern and Trump has changed – besides it is a regular life and the Zerschlagung of Grosskonzernen.

Trump and the Gefahr eener Zerschlagung

The alphabet is larger than the overview of the US regulations, which makes it possible to remove the internal diskette. Trump has cast a critical eye on the major technological developments. So the US government has found an alphabet in the first Amtszeit Trumps (2020) eingereicht. Erst Anfang August dies a year later than a Richter, the Google alphabets of Google have a monopolistic innehat. Should Donald Trump also be re-elected, could erneute Bemuehgen zur Relaunch of the Group and Driving win. If it no longer works, the problem can occur.

An influence on US sentence politics – is more being said about the alphabet?

In addition to the disruption caused by statutory regulations, a new challenge could be Trump’s entry into monetary policy issues. Trump has over time tended to influence the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) policy. “I think the president has pretty much chosen a right of attorney,” he said at a press conference in August.

A single solution can create an unsafe situation on the market. For Alphabet, which has strong financial interests and a stable economic low profitability, rising sentiment or a volatile sentiment political situation can pose a risk.

An unknown choice for the alphabet?

Most political parties in the US, impressed by the American Donald Trumps, have brought with them an insecurity for the alphabet and their activities. The sorrows during the regulation and the destruction of power, coupled with a power influence on the monetary policy, make an unsafe picture for the support of the Tech-Gigant.

Analyst estimates for Alphabet-Aktie

In spite of the potential risks during a possible Trumps Re-selection, the analysts who work in the alphabet C-action are. Eleven analysts are listed on the Finanzplattform TipRanks, the alphabet is displayed. The Mehrheit von Ihnen gives a purchase recommendation (new analysts). Two experts push the paper with “Hold” ein. The breakthrough of the price would be 208.44 US dollars. Gemessen are worth a price of 158.60 US dollars, this is an appreciation spot of more than 31 percent (final price of September 5, 2024).

Während analysts are also not cautious, but can also investigate the remarkable results of the Entwicklungen.

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