
“Fußball is my life”|Amerdingen|Donau-Ries-Aktuell

“Fußball is my life”|Amerdingen|Donau-Ries-Aktuell

If you pay attention, if a woman in a district trains a herrenmannschaft, you can use the verrenmannschaft verantwoordwortachtig mixtures. Of course, it is so that he dies in a theme. “It is the best way to live, it is no longer functional, but it can be even more passion”, says Fabian Schmidt, Amerdingen’s Department Leader Football. Even more definite was the local college of the SV Hohenaltheim, Sebastian Stengel: “It is simply not interesting to us, what others think.”

If you’re a new coach in January for the 2024/25 season, get behind the coaches for a punk in the business: know-how. Dies hat Einberger. Bereitsit over these years ist si co-Trainerin, hat also the C- as auch B-Lizenz and war in the Nachwuchsleistungszentrum Nördlingen active. This is the case with the regional West Bavarian region of the Mädchen in Einsatz and the battle with the DFB Mobil of the Vereinen, one of those training at the Training Organization. Stengel’s comment on this expertise: “We were sofortunate and flame.” The game is a small role, that is the Einberger’s first chef-trainer set.

The Einberger has found the Trainerlaufbahn eingeschlagen-hat, war in Zufall. If you play a football match, watch the match. In the 17th century you have to solve your back problems with the football on the field – and a plotzlich trainer in the Heimatverein in Wittislingen. “I want to see a training of the D-Jugend der Jungs. When there is war, only a few things are borne. Then I have brought the training to the end”, the young woman remembers. Danach trains his team for the second half of the year.