
Comment: Baumgart muss jetzt die Vorlage der HSV-Bosse

Comment: Baumgart muss jetzt die Vorlage der HSV-Bosse

Der Job is empty. Theoretically, HSV-Profis would have the Aussicht on the Spielpraxis, neither in the Beispiel in Switzerland, in the Griechenland or in the Turkish Wechsel, where the Transferfenster was first on 9., 11. beziehungsweise 13. September. The Wahrscheinlichkeit auf solche Deals can be used to do internal things that can mean even something small. Entsprechend stht der Kader, the Sportvorstand Stefan Kuntz and Sports Director Claus Costa of course formed in Absprache with Trainer Steffen Baumgart. If the Einschätzung, if that Framework is good, a damn problem in the Bundesliga, it is no longer excessive. If Baumgart continues the history of the HSV championships, comments MOPO Sports Chef Frederik Ahrens.