
A Torture for the Good Purpose

A Torture for the Good Purpose

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A Torture for the Good Purpose
Höhen and Tiefen experienced Martin Bachmaier and their friends at Eiger 101 Ultra Trail. © private

Martin Bachmaier and his friend together in Extrem-Berglauf raised 10,000 euros for children’s hospice.

Villages – Martin Bachmaier is a Mann, the herausforderungen lie. The 43-year-old family room is sweet on “Eiger E101 Ultra Trail” with. These Strapazen in the High Mountains are for the Ambulatory Children’s Hospiz Munich itself. There is no way to go, there is no mountain with good friends on the site: Begleitet wurde der Dorfener zunächst von Max Niedermayer, nach Wechsel am Faulhorn where then Peter Werginz with the holiday party. You can spend 10,373 Euro on one of the three Sportlers.

102.5 kilometers and 6700 meters of altitude in 25 hours – the Tortur is worth it. But Bachmaier knows the height and the height of life. 2011 said that Frau had a Totgeburt a schicksalsschlag. “It is a lot friendlier, now that there is a short Lebenserwartung, health is not a Selbstverständlichkeit. ”

“The way I feel about myself”

Signal Spenden-Trail went to the children’s hospices. “Nicht das Leben met Dagen, sondern die Tage mit Leben fullen”, is required in the Leitspruch der Einrichtung in Munich. Damit will be the theme in the tragedy of the Mitte der Gesellschaft. „The relief of those affected is extremely important to me in the ultra-light environment.“

Below 2700 meters high Faulhorn love Martin Bachmaier (r.) with Max Niedermaier.
Below 2700 meters high Faulhorn love Martin Bachmaier (r.) with Max Niedermaier. © private

While Bachmaier was committed to the Ultra-Trail, you would be thinking at night: “Halte ich die Hitze aus? Schafft der Körper die Strecke, bekomme ich Krämpfe? I had a good fear.” At 4 o’clock in the morning I set off in Grindelwald, and I was Fuße des Eigers entlang.

“So a wanderlust is the life in the Zeitraffer,” says Bachmaier Vergleich. „Man is euphoric, man is happy, then he is a man during his time, hat Schmerzen.“ Irgendwann komme immer die Frage auf: „Would you mind that man, since my Entscheidungen at all?“

The landscape is divided into other parts by grandiose landscapes.
The landscape is divided into other parts by grandiose landscapes. © private

The majestic landscape in the Bernese Alps is one of the few things that makes people think: “Wir can be grateful – solve all problems. “The reason that society can grow up”, philosophy is about honor for living in Saxony and Thuringia or the Ukraine-Krieg. “It’s a pleasure to pass by with a positive attitude.”

This is a real Freundschaft, meint Bachmaier. Bis zum Faulhorn, der Gipfel is located at an altitude of 2700 meters, accompanied by Max Niedermayer. Here are the 35 years of Dorfener, the enormous power of power is grim to buy. Dafür dear Peter Werginz (40) now with more time. “In the stormy streets, you are one of the residents, that is one of the reasons for this half,” the police officer demands from both residents.

Medal on the Grab der Tochter

Bachmaier often has to make separations, in the case of a Leben and Tod geht. There would be an emergency at the Police Office Munich then alarmiert, when “large layers” are wanted – Geiselnahmen, Amokläufe, Erpressungen and Bedrohungen. “That’s because of the criminal barriers to the race”, weiß der Polizeioberrat. I am a master of the ehemalige CSU-Stadtraat for three years as a dozen at the Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei in Münster.

Kurz for the Männlichen, einem 2342 Meter hohen Gipfel, went straight to my point: “I had 65 Kilometers in the Beinen and could not more later”, says Bachmaier.

A begleiter in the Utralauf war Peter Werginz.
A begleiter in the Utralauf war Peter Werginz. © private

The athlete drinks four hundred milliliters of water during the Tour and is busy every 45 minutes, a little bit when washing. If there is a break, regenerate it when you boil it, then it continues towards the Eiger Nordwand. There is a loving life in Dunkeln, the only light that the Stirnlamp spends.

Bachmaier was 20 kilometers away, kurz before Mitternacht brach er ab: „I was mentally durch.“ 80 Kilometers were behind me, 6000 Height meters above, 4800 later. “That was a pure form of separation,” which wriggles in his heart. “Aber bevor noch was passionert, de Bergwacht kommen muss – wir were schließlich in high alpine in Gelände.” The Medaille, which is there for this Ultra-Trail, gives its blessing in Dorfen on Grab.

The Rotary Club Oberes Isental has developed Bachmaier and design projects and spent money. “Besides the Isener Kreuzmarkt we bought money and spent 1500 Euros, we were able to sponsor the Children’s Playground at Haus Anna in Eichendorf,” reports Michael Bulla, Gründer der Isental-Rotarier. For the Spending-Trail an öffentliche Abschlussveranstaltung was provided, while the Extremsportler of his Bergwanderung would make the same expenses again.