
Yoga: So bring us anxiety into the hormonal balance

Yoga: So bring us anxiety into the hormonal balance

Stress, one more time

Under stress, the hormone cortisol and adrenaline are released. The body is set to the action. It is life-sucking, there is a problem when the load is released. Tanja Forcellini: “We have seven hormone rings in our bodies. The protection of bone substances and hormones serves the communication between the rings and organs. But under stress, this communication is broken down.” In the connection that has been brought onto the market, it is a special undertaking, the Dinah Rodrigues in the 90s hat. Tanja Forcellini is integrated into her practical experience and meditation. The vibrations, as they summarize, knit over the Schädeldecke out, including the Zirbel and the Hirnanhangsrüse behind it. Learn about the Hormonal System of the Schilddrüse, the Thymusdrüse (near Brustbein), the Nebennieren, the Bauchspeicheldrüse and the Eierstöcke beziehungsweise de Hoden.