
Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Medal Table | Sports

Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Medal Table | Sports

The Paralympic Games have begun.

From August 28 to September 8, the best athletes and athletes in the city of the world with a körperlicher or geistiger insight. If you look with BILD, look at the nation in the running, one of the most medals with the nose of the hat.

Medal table Paralympic Games 2024 in Paris

+++ Here you will find the Medal Mirror +++

Insgesamt became 4400 Körper- and sehbehinderten Athletes both Paralympic Games 2024 My name is Mittelpunkt Stehen. Eleven Wettkampftagen kämpfen is in 22 Sportarten um 549 Medaillen. First of all, France will attend the Summer Paralympics.

Die major Opening Event of the Paralympic Games rises on 28 August (Mittwoch). Who was at the Olympia-Zeremonie, did not fall in the starting line of the Paralympic Games in a special stadium. Statistics are about the Place de la Concorde and the Champs-Élysées, because in the Hearts of Paris there are possibilities. Player Jackie Chan (70) has participated in other prominent Paralympic competitions during the tragedy of Paris.

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Video: Plötzlich entdeckt Kimmich DIESES Photo

Source: BILD

The American Paralympic Medal Table placed Germany on the Platz behind the US and Great Britain. Before your years reichte is in Tokyo only for Rang zwölf. And that year? The German team sent a delegation from 143 Sportslern.

A gold medal for Team D

Markus Rehm (36 years/Leichtathletik) is in the Paradedisziplin-seafaring at 14 years. Years of international career are not yet besieged. Über neun Meter did not jump anymore. Vielleicht in Paris?

It is a challenge to hinder para-Schwimmerin Elena Semechin (30) at the start. In Tokyo there will be a spectacular Gold Medal 2020. Wenig später follows the shock diagnosis: Hirn tumor. We will be proud to welcome you in 2020 at Madeira WM-Silber, 2023 at our stand in Manchester.

Martin Schulz (34/Triathlon) was also rated as the big gold favorite during his summer games. The Serieneuropameister will still abort his career in Paris.

Enjoy the 2024 Paralympic Games live on free TV?

Good News: ARD and ZDF broadcast the Paralympic Games from Paris alternately live – everything was postponed. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the title Sport-Action will be broadcast, from 2 to 4 September, the ARD of the Paralympic Games live in Prime-Time. In the media libraries of the sender, players can follow the free livestream.