
He is an American expert who is both Candidates

He is an American expert who is both Candidates

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He is an American expert who is both Candidates
With a look at the TV duels between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, US expert Elmar Theveßen (m.) prepares the Ratschläge for both Candidates. © Mark Alfred/Zuma Press Wire/Imago, Brent Gudenschwager/Zuma Press Wire/Imago; Editing: RUHR24

Who can punk Donald Trump in TV-Duell against Kamala Harris? And was the democrat changed? US expert Elmar Theveßen weiß Rat.

Dortmund/Washington – It’s worth watching the Welt das TV-Duell with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris as the guests Dienstag (September 10, Ortszeit). Who both have contact with the American presidency in the past, is not incomprehensible – everything that the German American expert Elmar Theves has a clear assessment and both pages. Insbesondere Trump sollte sich zusammenreißen (more Politik-News at RUHR24).

TV Dueling between Trump and Harris: That’s an expert on both candidates

Otherwise, if there is an Aufeinander meeting in the vorfeld of the 2024 US presidential election, if Trump enters the battle with Joe Biden with his lie strategy regularly right, this re-ordering will not fruit Kamala Harris. In an exclusive interview with RUHR24, the American expert Elmar Theveßen has taken over the role of Trump advisor.

‘Donald Trump was laughed at when he was Rat von Lindsey Graham (a republican senator, anm. d. Ed.) follow, he has written a column of advice and he leaves the Levites behind,” Thevessen said. Demnach would “lift Trump with the personal fear” and his view, was the Biden administration in the three-year power hat.

Experts Predict Trump Strategy for TV Duell with Harris

“There were enough points of application for that,” Theveßen thinks. The American expert’s reproach is that it is not so right to abdicate Trump’s strategy, the slang of personal differences, sexism and racism is instilled – first Trump briefly shouts vulgarly at Harris, then a sexist post via the “Truth Social” section is released.

If the Republican participates in Donald Trump’s attention, the “big chance” has become “another role that plays a role,” says Thevessen. “A genau das hat is not geschafft. If the chance is relatively small, the course is no longer a tickle.”

Donald Trump (Republican)

Donald Trump is running for the Office of the American President.
Donald Trump is running for the Office of the American President. © Shealah Craighead/White House

Name: Donald John Trump
Change: 78 (June 14, 1946)
Date of birth: Queens, New York City, USA
Part: Republican Party

Theveßen-Rat and Kamala Harris for TV Duell with Trump: “Klarmachen, wie dieses Land für alle führen”

And Kamala Harris? In the role of a democrat of the democracy, Theves will be less offended. Supported by James Corville, a strategist of the democratic party of the Früheren years, found the end of the rat: ‘If he gets more power, he has different power than Joe Biden in the last years. And if everyone says something, the country will want to die for all the people. “

Bereits are the Speech of the Party of Democrats that Kamala Harris encounters, but with a number of aspects as the American president in the würde. Be sure to look into the matter of NATO or the theme of your understanding of Trump.

I think Joe Biden can focus on the middle class of American women and the housing in the US. The message of the US President Joe Biden has given a long speech, the Time-Columnist Heike Buchter reports in Frühjahr 2024.

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Kamala Harris loves TV Duell with Donald Trump: The Veßen warnt for dem Unvorhersagbaren

Abgesehen davon recognizes Theveßen im Angebot von Harris, Republikaner in ihr Kabinett with aufzunehmen and so a bridge zum politically Gegner zu schlagen, a smart schachzug. “That’s how things are, they could be perfect together,” it must be said. Nothing other than the American expert, that is a duel at the end of “solve everything or arrange everything” is possible.

The Gefahr, een handfesten van Skandal auszulösen, sieht Theveßen aber indeututig bei Trump: “Im Falle von nur aussetzer of a sexist or racist Schimpftirade droht Trump a neither major Problem, as there is bisher schon hat.” Zuletzt reported that Frankfurter Rundschau while a Republican hatched a plan, Trump neither for the Wahl releases.