
Tourism Bilanz: So war of the summer in Bavaria

Tourism Bilanz: So war of the summer in Bavaria

Please leave at 10 am at Campingplatz Halbinsel Burg. The customer does not have to make any reservations. Entsprechend früh reisen die Leute an, um nor a Platz am letzten Ferienwochenende am Seeufer zu kriegen. They all come from Upper Bavarian Umland, Baden-Württemberg or France.

Regnerischer Frühsommer, guter Abschluss

When the time comes again, money will be made at all. A goose Staffelsee is the best choice to fill the Plätze. “Those summer holidays were good,” Betreiberin Natascha Schuster concludes: “Der Frühsommer was during the rain shower, that since the Leute ferngeblieben. Aber der warm August is good.”

The gold-plated property of the Bayerischen Tourismus company is Barbara Radomski from the Branchenverband Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH. The destination Zahlen would first have been established in two countries, the final destination of the regions would be final: “In all four tourism regions (Upper Bavaria, Swabia, Franconia and Eastern Bavaria, Anm. d. Ed.) the Besucherzahlen have increased.”

City holiday has no more faith

Insbesondere Bayerns Stadt is a Zuwachs. Gemischter hinges the Bilanz in the land of Raum aus. There are many people who will end up in the country in the future, “all things sink in the night hours”. Radomski führt das auf de schwache Konjunkturlage zurück: “These people prefer to save and stop themselves with Zweit- en Dritturlaub in eigenen Land kürzer auf.”

Auch at the Staffelsee since many visitors are not long enough to be such, auf Anfrage etwa two bis four days. A woman was not spared: in the restaurant. The customers of the German Hotel and Gaststättenbetriebe Dehoga monieren, due to the gestures, Costs of the benefits of the Germans are lighter as in previous years.

Mega Events: Not Making Profit

Bayern has spent the summer with the great performances: the European Master, the great concert of Taylor Swift and Adele are on the Kassen-klingeln – everything else is not included: “Durch the Events, especially that EM, since the Leute eher daheim geblieben and haben die Stimmung aufgesaugt. Dadurch since weniger Menschen ins Umland travelled,” analyzes Barbara Radomski van der Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH.

The fault and the bad weather have been the main season – everything that has been missed in every respect.