
Baden AG – Streit escalates

Baden AG – Streit escalates

Ein Streit zwischen zwei Mannern eskalierte am frühen Samstagmorgen. One of the best things to do is to have more Schüsse auf sein Gegenüber ab. Dabei erlitt dieserhebliche Verletzungen.

At the Kantonalen Notrufzentrale I went to the Meldung ein, wonach more Schüsse in Baden, at a Hotel on the Mellingerstrasse, on September 7, at 4:00 am. Patrols from the Baden city police and from the Aargau cantonal police moved around and trafficked in unmitigated Nahe des Tatorts aine verletzte manliche Person. You act as a 34-year-old Schweizer, who is a first-time police officer in the Spital-überführt area.

Make sure that the first experience and the search for a person swallows a person in the bin of the fahndung. A 33-year-old Swiss from the region could prepare for the Ereignis at his Wohnort verhaftet werden. The Staatsanwaltschaft has founded a company and the Kantonspolizei Aargau have founded the Ermittlungen.

The large amount of components used in this way is that the Mellingerstrasse the Kreisel Burghalde and the Schulhausplatzkreuzung should be closed for more hours. The traffic will be replaced by the Baden Fire Brigade.

Quelle der Polizeinachricht: Kapo AG