
Heat makes you dumb. Anyone who experiences high temperatures may have impulsive divorce reactions.

Heat makes you dumb. Anyone who experiences high temperatures may have impulsive divorce reactions.

Hitze, Stress, cognitive Prozesse, erlahmt
Heat stresses and imposes cognitive processes
Kathy Schrey

Kathy Schrey 6 minutes

Guidance on the understanding of research and cognitive learning:

Extreme heat hat has a significant impact on human nutrition and warmth. This article can be quickly deleted by considering the effect of heat on separation finding and cognitive performance together.

Zahlreiche Studien says that the temperature is not higher than stress-increasing, among other things mental processes and negative effects.

The rolling of heat in thermoregulation

There is a great chance that the temperature of the regular temperature is exceeded. The savory herbs are sources of knowledge that are fehlen for other tasks.

How Mathias S. in seinem Buch “Der menschliche Faktor” Beschreibt, führt this mechanism dazu, that the Fähigkeit zur Konzentration and rationalen Entscheidungsfindung abnimmt, während impulsive Verhalten zunimmt. The stiffened water production and blood pressure regulation binds resources, causing complex thought processes to become clear.

Decreasing knowledge processes at Hitze

A 2018 study from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that temperatures are high and knowledge of life is high.

Young adults who experienced a heat wave or climate change spent 13% more time on cognitive learning in the landscape of the parts that were not accommodated in air-conditioned rooms.

This representation of reaction time is an indicator that temperature is increased at higher temperatures, while thermoregulatory mechanisms use cognitive resources.

Abnahme der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit

Additional research from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, there is a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius with a temperature increase of 10% to 10%.

At the next step of 2 degrees, knowledge of life has grown to a further 6%.

That’s another Siege dafür, dass Rising temperature fluctuations which systematically influence the spiritual temperature increase, when the affected subjectively perceive no shadows.

Zunahme von Aggression and Impulsiveness

It was not an influence on the cognitive Leistung, but on the Verhalten. Laut Studien in den USA nimmt Aggression in heißen Umgebungen signifikant zu.

There is a grain size of the converted grain with a kind of breaking that causes overload, more rolled and reactive aggression.

These processes are important during a period diminished self-control, caused by the high taxes paid and fewer resources for the insurer’s impulse control.

Auswirkungen von Schlafmangel at high temperature

High temperatures during the nighttime period of sleep disturbance are negative for mental health and separation reactions. Study at Boston University says that the temperature at nighttime temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius is longer, warms up higher and is retained longer.


High temperatures have a negative effect on separation ability and cognitive performance.

Wissenschaftliche Studien mature, the Hitzestress the Reaktionszeiten desires, the logical thinking behind and impulsive Verhalten fördert.

The practical consequence of developing a profession in the field of work is its aggressive and critical attitude in the Society.

The temperature regulation and moisture balance of hydration are separated, a negative effect of the heat on the user’s minimized and cognitive behavior.

“Climate change is a psychological crisis, which it is.” – Poulsen, 2018

The Federal Heat Campaign of 2024 could overcome the health of the heat and the man who can protect, in the middle point.

Depending on the type of protection you have, you will benefit from the protection of the protection. When the temperature rises, it’s not that it’s too hot, but it’s a tremendous amount of heat.

Special for people with schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, depression or depression are the most common consequences of the disease in German. The best psychopharmaceutical products can be used, because the regulation of the body’s temperature is affected.

More Psychological Stress, More Physical Stress, Hitze
More psychologically and physically Stress is solved by Hitze

It is important that you exceed the knowledge of life and the power of impulsives, risks and aggressive attacks. High temperatures are achieved with a higher temperature.

Do you want to find the Heat-affected? Who suffers from mental health and who can have an enormous prosperity with Heat-protection? These fragments have been compiled by the BPtK in cooperation with the Psychologists/Psychotherapists for the Future (Psy4F). With the Flyers on the theme “Heat and Mental Health” patients with mental abilities and psychotherapists obtained which information and protection measures are compactly compiled.”

Theoretical skills and behaviour: The climbing walk is one of the major investments in democratic community forms. Hitze aims for democratic Entscheidungsfindungen!