
Road movie after Auschwitz – Filmkritik

Road movie after Auschwitz – Filmkritik

If the Eiserne went to work before the 1990s in the year 1990, powers are the American judges and lawyers in the United States, a country that has adopted his knowledge of the matter. Before all people view the KZ-Gedenkstätte in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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That will be New York journalist Ruth Rothwax (Lena Dunham) with Father Edek (Stephen Fry). Ruth has written and lived the journey through history, more in her family history than in her life, but her life can no longer be saved. After helping the woman to help Edek, she went further and torpedoed the plans.

Am Flughafen in Warsaw refuses itself, in the Nahverkehrszug zu steigen, and hires Stefan (Zbigniew Zamachowski) as driver. “I have those Germans. Aber nicht Mercedes,” said Edek laughing, as he sinks into the Beifahrersitz of the other Benz. The best of the best is the Laune zu sein. There flirts with Miss-Poland-Bewerberinnen and other women, go to the hotel with Trinkgeld, now that it is so and states that they end up in the bar as a Karaoke singer on the stage. Nur auf Ruth’s journey in the Verdingenheit will no longer have any trouble.

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The generational superhumans follow the Holocaust

If they both die in Lodz in front of the Wohnhaus Stehen, as the Jewish family of the Nazis were executed, there will be a last brief view. Ruth schleppt in the Wohnung. In 1940 the Family began to learn the Wohnung, behauptet der Polnische Bewohner. Then your wife brings in the Kanne herein, the service of Edeks Eltern is heard. Edek will not erase all the memory pieces. Ruth looks at the next day and buys the porcelain with a high price. The end of the story is that it is fassbaar from the family in the hand.

In the first English film „Treasure“, Julia von Heinz („Und morgen die ganze Welt“) learns from the novel „Zuviele Männer“ by Lily Brett the generational journeys Follow the Holocaust in form a tragicomic Vater-Tochter-Roadmovies. Die Geschichte lebt von der emotional Representation van de Verhältnisse. When the Holocaust lore of trauma with lebenslust hints that this is the will, death will lead to a family enterprise.

If both of you are in Auschwitz, you can remember Edek and your details. The confrontation would not take place as a moment of shock, but would be set in place with discreet Zärtlichkeit.

“Treasure” is the passgenaue of Jonathan Glazer’s “Zone of Interest.” If we lose sight of the Holocaust, Heinz can use the retrospective representation mechanisms of the opferperspektive. With Stephen Fry and ‘Girls’ star Lena Dunham is the ideal combination, we both have the melancholic humor in the figure that is explored with the verletzlichkeit, which is so verbal.

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“Darling”, Directed by Julia von Heinz, with Stephen Fry, Lena Dunham, Zbigniew Zamachowski, 111 Minutes, FSK 12