
Historic Title Win Since 1968 Passes! Kevin Krawietz and Tim Pütz Play in US Open Double Final

Historic Title Win Since 1968 Passes! Kevin Krawietz and Tim Pütz Play in US Open Double Final

Kevin Krawietz and Tim Pütz have taken a look at the fight, while they were positioned with the Silver Counter of the US Open Finalists. For the large number, the historic coup in the Doppel-Finale of New York is not aimed. Dennoch felt in the Enttäuschung schnell auch etwas Stolz.

“We’re going to enjoy playing there first in Arthur Ashe,” said Krawietz, and Pütz said: “It’s a great atmosphere.” The powerful Siegerpokal is played by the Australian Max Purcell and Jordan Thompson in the high, the Franconian-Hessian Duo 4:6, 6:7 (4:7) later.

Damit has no German team in the Open Era since 1968 triumphant in the Big Apple. One of Bayreuth’s Philipp Petzschner was born in 2011 on the page of the Austrian Jürgen Melzer jubilant. Krawietz/Pütz, who plays the Viertelfinal at Olympia in Paris, can not note his first chance at the Triumph at a Major in two years. For Krawietz it is possible to see part of the Cologne Andreas Mies during the French Open-Siegen 2019 and 2020. Pütz, a mixed title from the old Parisian hat, continues with a double coup at a major. Both had a prize of 375,000 US dollars.

The German duo cannot compete for long periods of frustration. After the end of the major events in the US metropolis, the “KraPütz” is played directly in the Chinese Zhuhai, where the German Davis Cup team of Michael Kohlmann will compete for an entry in the Malaga Final Round in the coming week.