
“Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” at Arte nochmal seehen: Wiederholung der Reportage on TV and online

“Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” at Arte nochmal seehen: Wiederholung der Reportage on TV and online

Am Samstag (7.9.2024) lief die Reportage “Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” im Fernsehen. All information about Wiederholung online in the media center and on TV lessons See here at

On Samstag (7.9.2024) you will see “Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” on TV at 7:40 PM. They have the Reportage Art not see and wollen die Folge 614 trotzdem nor see? Schauen Sie maar mal in der Arte-Mediathek vorbei. Here you will find some research on your Ausstrahlung online as Video on Demand for Streaming. As a rule you will find the transmission to the TV-Ausstrahlung online before. Leader gilded does not die for all transmissions. In art in the classical kitchen the greatest leader of wiederholung is born.

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“Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” on TV: Darum geht es in der Reportage

In 1877, in the Northwest of the United States, over 750 descendants of the Nez Perce tribes refused to accept their freedom and move into a reservation, which was their only remaining landholding. The towns began by sweating horses – the Appaloosas, a breed that the Nez Perce themselves had sweated – on an adventurous flight of more than 2,000 kilometers through the Rocky Mountains. – At the moment they are long-married: Jon, Rosa and Jack Yearout, Captain Emmit Taylor, Abigail and Davie Joe Whitman are 20 weeks working with the tribe of Nez Perce who plays in the flute of the Yellowstone River, at Nez Perce Crossing, also genau dort, where vor kaal 150 years ago the historically strenuous river was passed. Damasquerten through the area of ​​the largest Yellowstone National Parks – for a von Geistern under Wunderwelt – and besieged or besieged by a trick of the American army. Only at the end, go for the rettenden Canadian Border, but captains zu must. With the words “I will not fight anymore forever” explained his letter Captain Joseph die Waffen nieder. You can take a flight and make an imaginary flight as the “Erfinder” of the Appaloosa-Pferderasse-organization of the Appaloosa Horse Club since 1965 with the following Chief Joseph Trail Ride. Every year is a good 100 Meilen longer Abschnitt der Fluchtroute is covered and starts in the following year dort, where in the previous year end. After 13 years the Trailrit is full-fledged and you start to start. In recent years, the Hundredth of Riders of all Hautfarben, who such a Ride meant. In the course of the years war does not die anymore, the first time the war plays out, is more than a hundred. So you can enjoy your own journey through the Yellowstone Park, enjoy your own journey through the Yellowstone Park, enjoy an exciting passage of long escape routes and experience the freedom of your own life. When the time of the Würzeln began, a new sighting of the best Bison and Grizzlybären began and they come an Orte, which neither Namen nor Spuren in the Ahnen-traged. A team from the “360° Reportage” accompanied both parties with the room. (Quelle: Arte, übermittelt durch FUNKE Programmzeitschrift)

“Freiheit auf Pferderücken – Der lange Weg der Nez Perce” on TV: All information in one Blick

To follow: 614

Bee: Art

Year of production: 2022

Length: 35 minutes

In HD: Yes

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