
SG Achim/Baden started with Remis at TuS Rotenburg

SG Achim/Baden started with Remis at TuS Rotenburg

There are two things that can be done. Genauso good but also gar näiner. Concluding the SG Achim/Baden of the Auswärtsspiel against the TuS Rotenburg a Zähler with the Heimreise. Both handball-oberligists like to play with their new season and intense derby, but it is not that they do their best. 23:23 hours after 60 minutes in the Rotenburger Sporthalle and the Gerberstraße. After half of the playing time the stay on Achim with the three towers is located – 13:10.

For Achim’s new co-trainer Björn Fechner – there was war with the chief trainer Florian Schacht at the bank manager – stood a Sache-ziemlich schnell fest: “Das is een won punk for one”, stated is after the Derby clear. If you spend this time, we will complete the start of the SG in the sweats of the half-time to achieve the results. In the exciting final phase, the young team with Achim is waiting for a kühlen-kopf and erkämpfte sich nor a zähler. The final point in the Sachsen Tower set one of the SG veterans: Left-wing Kevin Podien hit in the final minute from seven meters stroke to 23:23. The anger of the TuS Rotenburg dominates the guests Schadlos.

Fünf-Tore-Führung for the SG

The game community has a good influence on the field-breaking win. When the end of the second half of the time was reached, the clear better Mannschaft was achieved: after 22 minutes it is in the postponed duel 7:7, when the SG was fired with 13:8 (29.). When the beginning of the second half of the previous week begins – 15:10. But suddenly there is a break in the Angriffspiel. The Fehler has the feeling that the Achimer is in his host in the lonely party. The TuS Rotenburg has thanked the einladung and sold a tor to tor. At 18:18 the guest can spend a longer time in the Ausgleich with hergestellt. In the next phase the Führung will be restored to the final score by Kevin Podien, with his verwandeltenstrafwurf.

Björn Fechner said that a Sieg zum Auftakt probably had been: “If you make a lost point 40 minutes later, it is a lost point. Schauen goes over the 20 minutes, it is a won Zähler.” The co-trainer has never been worried, but the TuS Rotenburg with a played man has started, “while there was a young boy who had made his first Oberliga game”, said Fechner. This is a knifflige situation while recognizing the situation. “Wir has become a young man. The situation in the man has failed and the ball has been hit by a bad celebration, whereby the direct pass is played.”

Make sure you break the phase of removing the hundred percent of the risks. These are things that chef Schacht and Fechner want to work on in the coming units. “The boys are doing well today, but overall. Therefore I am also positive,” says Fechner of the SG-Team.

Blue card for tower caps

An intense war in Derby. The most important thing is that it is an unclean taste. A dieser were Rotenburg outside players Lukas Misere and SG-keeper Sebastian Bohling assured. Misere dear a short things, sog unbedrängt ab and met Bohling directly in Gezicht. At the keeper bought the emotional emotions. Bohling quickly gets up again and slides Misere to the ground. Both players were punished by the referee: Lukas Misere has to sit on the bench for two minutes. Sebastian Bohling went on the Rote and followed the Blue Card. There must be a Sperre-absitzen. “Sebastian must be in the natural situation. The Schiedsrichter has ended up in both cases,” Björn Fechner took turns with the unnötigen Aktionen von Misere and Bohling.

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